This repository will contain my solutions to the problems from the Project Euler webpage (
I have written solutions in different languages and will group my solutions by language. This is more convenient as I have helper scripts which take user input to know which problem to execute.
The Python answers can be run by executing the file, such as with the command python python/
The user will then be asked which problem from a list of solved problems they would like to launch and launch the one they selected.
The actual solutions to the problems can be found in the answers folder, in the files named (where XXX is replaced by the problem number).
First of all, create a new Python file called (with XXX replaced by the problem number). That class should containg a solve() method which prints the answer to the problem and the time that the computation took. Then, a new import needs to be added in the file for the solve method. Lastly, a new entry needs to be added in the list completedProblems in the file, similary to the others.
The Java answers can be compiled by using the command javac *.java -d .
from the java directory.
The code can then be executed by running the Main.class file which should be located at java/projecteuler/Main. From the [java] directory, this is done using the command java projecteuler/Main
The user will then be asked which problem from a list of solved problems they would like to launch and launch the one they selected.
The actual solutions to the problems can be found in the java folder itself, in files named (where XXX is replaced by the problem number).
First of all, create a new Java class called (with XXX replaced by the problem number). That class should extend the abstract class Problem, in particular it should call the super-class constructor and define the solveProblem() method. Once that is done, a new entry needs to be added in the array problems of the ProblemFactory in