
having trouble retrieving IOTA data

Closed this issue · 1 comments

when i run

cryptocompare.priceFull(["IOTA"], ["USD"], { tryConversion: true })

the result i get makes little sense

   { USD:
      { TYPE: '5',
        MARKET: 'CCCAGG',
        TOSYMBOL: 'USD',
        FLAGS: '4',
        PRICE: '0.6356',
        LASTUPDATE: 1518458610,
        LASTVOLUME: 0,
        LASTVOLUMETO: 0,
        LASTTRADEID: 0,
        VOLUMEDAY: 0,
        VOLUMEDAYTO: 0,
        VOLUME24HOUR: 0,
        VOLUME24HOURTO: 0,
        OPENDAY: '0.6356',
        HIGHDAY: '0.6356',
        LOWDAY: '0.6356',
        OPEN24HOUR: '0.6356',
        HIGH24HOUR: '0.6356',
        LOW24HOUR: '0.6356',
        LASTMARKET: 'Binance',
        CHANGE24HOUR: 0,
        CHANGEPCT24HOUR: 0,
        CHANGEDAY: 0,
        CHANGEPCTDAY: 0,
        SUPPLY: 0,
        MKTCAP: 0,
        TOTALVOLUME24H: 2393110.8526999997,
        TOTALVOLUME24HTO: 1521061.2579761199 } } }

i guess im doing something wrong...
but help would be nice

This issue tracker is for issues with the JS API wrapper, not the actual API. You'll have to contact cryptocompare support about your issues.