- 1
Typescript bindings
#45 opened by CryptoGraffe - 0
#44 opened by 21Gotit - 5
- 1
Example on calling an optional parameter
#43 opened by equityestates - 4
Support for streams
#7 opened by bernatfortet - 0
Allow pass-through of result code to client.
#40 opened by dooglio - 2
- 0
Add API_KEY to CI environment
#37 opened by RyanZim - 3
- 2
List of FIAT currencies
#24 opened by kennedybaird - 0
Not to get any method for getting historical prices of any currency within a range of timestamp or date
#23 opened by mehadi-trackrep - 2
iOS 9.x = Unexpected keyword 'const'. Const declarations are not supported in strict mode.
#30 opened by abdul - 1
Question: How to query via ES6 / React JS
#29 opened by interpegasus - 1
- 2
npm run build fails to minify
#19 opened by kylewstewart - 1
- 3
- 4
Will it support Web Socket?
#14 opened by ProgrammingLife - 4
#13 opened by DanielRSnell - 1
having trouble retrieving IOTA data
#18 opened by zukkaboom - 2
ReferenceError: fetch is not defined
#17 opened by joemccann - 1
Request throttling
#15 opened by 01dr - 1
Example of data parsed to csv
#8 opened by markcots - 1
2 functions are missing
#5 opened by slidenerd - 8
es6 -> commonjs
#3 opened by CraigglesO - 4
node-fetch should be a dependency
#1 opened by seigneur