
Simple zip module

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple zip module for Node.js


I created this project because there isn't a simple, easy to use zip reader for NodeJS which has few dependencies and simple in implementation. When searching for such a project, I came across this one:


However, it is no longer supported, and the tip is broken. I wanted to be able to use Node's built in zlib support, and the author had already done the legwork. He also had code which output correct zip headers. All I had to do is make sure the file itself streams properly to the output file in question using Node streams. I hope it proves as useful to you as it did to me!

What was needed was the ability to add multiple files and directories into a single zip file without having to have a staging folder on the harddrive. Yes, this means everything is done in memory, so be mindful of file sizes and the available RAM on the target machine.


$ npm install zip-up


import Zip from 'zip-up'
const zipper = new Zip('output.zip', { level: 1 })
await zipper.addDir('directory/to/zip')
await zipper.addDir('other/directory/to/zip')
const bytesWritten = await zipper.finalize()
// bytesWritten -> 276


Options can be passed as the second argument to Zip.addDir():

await zipper.addDir('directory', {
  ignoreHidden: true,
  exclude: ['/tmp/']

ignoreHidden: whether to ignore hidden files; i.e. files beginning with . (default: false).

exclude: array of paths to exclude (default: []) Note: this applies to files as well as directories.


Run npm test to run the test suite. The tests insure that no errors occur and also verifies that the file is created correctly by unzipping and examining the file contents.


When submitting a PR for review, make sure that you include a test for your proposed feature or fix.