
An ECL library that aims to make writing fully custom ECL code easier


I have
No clue what the last 2 letters could stand for lmao

What is this?

It's an ECL library that aims to make writing custom ECL code easier and more friendly. It needs a thecl version from commit c63c782c0d4ac80b6562c6b679d81ca8e17ddede or later. Feel free to join the ZUNcode discord if need help or want to ask any questions.


There are 2 ways to use MERLIN:

  • use #include "merlin/thxx.tecl", with xx being the game number, for example th17.tecl for WBaWC.
  • if you'd rather keep MERLIN functions in a separate file, use #include "merlin/thxxglobals.tecl" to include only global constant definitions, inline sub definitions, and forward declarations of subs from the compiled merlin/thxx/merlin.ecl. Then, simply include the compiled MERLIN with ecli.

In both cases, an ECLMAP is loaded automatically.

Supported games

  • th16
  • th17

most values from 16/17 should work with 13-15 as well.


Lots of global constants:

  • bullet types (like ET_BUBBLE)
  • bullet colors (COLOR16_BLUE for bullets with 16 colors, COLOR8_BLUE for 8 colors etc)
  • enemy sprites from enemy.anm (ENM_GIRL_S_BLUE, ENM_CIR_RED etc)
  • aura sprites from enemy.anm (ENM_AURA_S_RED, ENM_AURA_L_BLUE etc)
  • things from effect.anm (like EFF_EXPLODE_LARGE for boss explosions, but also some particles)
  • sound effects, both as file names (SE_PLST00) and custom names (SE_PLAYER_SHOOT)
  • flags for flagSet and flagClear instructions, like FLAG_NO_HITBOX
  • items (ITEM_POWER, ITEM_F...)
  • movement modes for instructions such as Move_posTime (MODE_ACCEL, MODE_LINEAR...)
  • math constants like PI, TAU and also ZUN's magic numbers (NEG = -999999, NEGF = -999999.0f)
  • bullet transformation types (EX_WAIT, EX_ACCEL...)
  • some constants for the transforms, like BOUNCE_UDL = 7 for defining on which walls the bullet is allowed to bounce
  • aim modes for ins_607 (etAim)

Some subroutines, many of which are inline:

  • @setupNon(), @setupCard() subs to be called before every nonspell/spellcard (the same thing that ZUN copypastes everywhere, reset boss parameters, clear bullets, reset vars etc)
  • @stop() - waits forever
  • @etOnAuto(int etId, int interval, int n) - makes the bullet manager etId shoot bullets every interval frames, and repeat it n times. Made with stage design in mind, for boss patterns you should make more complex stuff obviously.
  • separate subs for every bullet transform type, so you can do @etExWait(etId, channel, time) instead of etEx(etId, channel, EX_WAIT time, NEG, NEGF, NEGF)
  • @effCharge(int pnt, int speed) that allows easily creating more customizable boss appear effects than the ones in default.ecl. There are versions for different colors, like effChargeGreen.
  • and some other small things, check the library code for details (documentation will be created at some point).

There are comments in the code, so you can refer to them.

Example ECL code created with MERLIN:

void Boss() {
	movePos(0.0f, 128.0f);
	@effChargeGreen(3, 1);

	anmSetMain(0, 0);
	setHurtbox(56.0f, 56.0f);
	setHitbox(50.0f, 50.0f);

void BossNon1() {
	setNext(0, 1700, 2500, "BossCard1");
	lifeMarker(0, 1700.0f, -24448);

void BossNon1_at() {
	int et = 0;
	etAim(et, 3);
	etSpeed(et, 3.1f, 2.7f);
	@etExDist(et, 0);
	etExSub(et, 2, "BossNon1_at2");

	int n = 0;
	while(1) {
		etAngle(et, RANDRAD, 0.0f);
		etCount(et, 34, 2);
		@etExSpecialSet(et, 0, 2);

		if (n == 0) {
			etCount(et, 52, 2);
			etSprite(et, ET_BUTTERFLY, COLOR8_GREEN);
			@etExBounceSet(et, 0, 1, 1, BOUNCE_U, NEGF);
			@etExAngleSet(et, 0, 2, 0, 1, ANGLE_RANDOM, 0.12f, NEGF);
		} else if (n == 1) {
			etSprite(et, ET_BUTTERFLY, COLOR8_BLUE);
			@etExBounceSet(et, 0, 1, 1, BOUNCE_L, NEGF);
		} else if (n == 2) {
			etSprite(et, ET_BUTTERFLY, COLOR8_PINK);
			@etExBounceSet(et, 0, 1, 1, BOUNCE_R, NEGF);

		n += 1;
		if (n > 2)
			n = 0;

void BossNon1_at2() {
	int et = 0;
	etSprite(et, ET_SHARD, COLOR16_GREEN);
	etCount(et, 5, 1);
	etAim(et, 1);
	etSpeed(et, 3.0f, 0.0f);
	etAngle(et, rad(-90f) + (RANDF2*0.17f), 0.15f);
	@etExAccel(et, 0, 120, 0.06f, rad(90f));