djaodjin-saas is a Django application that implements the logic to support subscription-based Software-as-a-Service businesses.
Major Features:
- Separate billing profiles and authenticated users
- Double entry book keeping ledger
- Flexible security framework
Tested with
- Python: 2.7, Django: 1.11.16 (LTS), Django Rest Framework: 3.8.2
- Python: 3.6, Django: 1.11.16 (LTS), Django Rest Framework: 3.8.2
- Python: 3.6, Django: 2.1.3 (latest), Django Rest Framework: 3.8.2
This project contains bare bone templates which are compatible with Django and Jinja2 template engines. To see djaodjin-saas in action as part of a full-fledged subscription-based session proxy, take a look at djaoapp.
Full documentation for the project is available at Read-the-Docs
After cloning the repository, create a virtualenv environment and install the prerequisites:
$ virtualenv _installTop_
$ source _installTop_/bin/activate
$ pip install -r testsite/requirements.txt
To use the testsite, you will need to add the payment processor keys (see Processor Backends) and Django secret key into a credentials file. Example with Stripe:
$ cat ./credentials
SECRET_KEY = "_enough_random_data_"
STRIPE_PUB_KEY = "_your_stripe_public_api_key_"
STRIPE_PRIV_KEY = "_your_stripe_private_api_key_"
It remains to create the database and populate it with test data.
$ python ./ migrate --run-syncdb --noinput
$ python ./ loaddata testsite/fixtures/test_data.json
The test_data.json fixture contains the minimal amount of data to make the testsite usable. If you want to load a bigger set of dummy data, you could run the load_test_transactions command.
$ python ./ load_test_transactions
If all is well then, you are ready to run the server and browse the testsite.
$ python runserver
# Browse http://localhost:8000/
# Login with username: alice and password: yoyo
The latest versions of django-restframework (>=3.0) implement paginators
disconnected from parameters in views (i.e. no more paginate_by). You will
thus need to define PAGE_SIZE
in your
$ diff testsite/
+ 'PAGE_SIZE': 25,
+ 'rest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination',
This Django App does not send notification e-mails itself. All major updates that would result in a e-mail sent trigger signals though. It is straightforward to send e-mails on a signal trigger in the main Django project. We provide sample e-mail templates here in the saas/templates/notification/ directory.
- Experimental vue.js front-end
- trigger more signals when getting closer to renewal time
- uses broker as a candidate in fail_direct