
Creates spectrum generators for supersymmetric models

Primary LanguageMathematicaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


release tests


FlexibleSUSY provides Mathematica and C++ code to create spectrum generators for supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric models. It is designed for generating fast and modular C++ code, allowing for easy modification, extension and reuse.

Install required libraries and packages (if not already done):

pip install conan
conan install . --build=missing
sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev

Build a spectrum generator (here: HSSUSY [1710.03760] [1804.09410]):

./createmodel --name=HSSUSY
./configure --with-models=HSSUSY
make -j4

Run the spectrum generator:

./models/HSSUSY/run_HSSUSY.x --slha-input-file=model_files/HSSUSY/LesHouches.in.HSSUSY
  • C++ compiler (g++ >= 5.0.0 or clang++ >= 3.8.1 or icpc >= 17.0.0)
  • Fortran compiler (gfortran, ifort)
  • Mathematica (version 7.0 or higher)
  • SARAH (version 4.11.0 or higher)
  • Boost (version 1.37.0 or higher)
  • Eigen 3 (version 3.1 or higher)
  • GNU scientific library


The required and optional libraries Boost, Eigen 3, GM2Calc, LoopTools, Himalaya and TSIL can be installed using the Conan package manager. If not already installed, Conan can be installed with pip:

pip install conan

To install the libraries required by FlexibleSUSY, run:

conan install . --build=missing

The GNU scientific library can currently not be installed via Conan. One may use the package manager of the operating system to install it. On Debian/Ubuntu one may run for example:

sudo apt-get install libgsl-dev

If the required libraries are installed via Conan or the operating system's package manager, they will be found automatically by FlexibleSUSY's configure script, see below.

FlexibleSUSY requires SARAH to be installed and to be loadable with the Needs["SARAH`"] command from inside Mathematica. We recommend the following setup:

cd ~/.Mathematica/Applications/
wget https://sarah.hepforge.org/downloads/SARAH-${SARAH_VERSION}.tar.gz
tar -xf SARAH-${SARAH_VERSION}.tar.gz

cd ~/.Mathematica/Kernel/
echo "AppendTo[\$Path, \"${HOME}/.Mathematica/Applications/SARAH/\"];" >> init.m

All the above steps can be executed at once with the install-sarah script:


See ./install-sarah --help for more options.

If you want FlexibleSUSY to use FeynArts or FormCalc you will need to install these packages first. Also — as with SARAH — they need to be loadable with the Needs[] command from inside Mathematica. We recommend using the installation script FeynInstall provided on the FeynArts web page. e.g.:

cd ~/.local
wget http://www.feynarts.de/FeynInstall
chmod 755 FeynInstall

which will install the latest versions of FeynArts, FormCalc and LoopTools in the ~/.local/ directory as well as configure Mathematica to find these packages. Note that running the FeynInstall script might require user intervention.

  1. Before you setup a FlexibleSUSY model, you have to provide a SARAH model file. To make it available in FlexibleSUSY, you can put it either into FlexibleSUSY's SARAH model directory FlexibleSUSY/sarah/<model>/ or directly into SARAH's own model directly SARAH/Models/<model>/. Here <model> is the name of your model (e.g. MSSM, NMSSM, etc.). Note, that there are already plenty of pre-installed model files in FlexibleSUSY's and SARAH's model directories that can be used.

  2. Create a new or re-initialize an existing FlexibleSUSY model:

    ./createmodel --name=<model>

    See ./createmodel --help for more details. Afterwards there will be

    • a model directory models/<model>/
    • a makefile module models/<model>/module.mk
    • a Mathematica start script models/<model>/start.m
    • and a FlexibleSUSY model file models/<model>/FlexibleSUSY.m

    To modify the model details (input parameters, boundary conditions, etc.), edit the FlexibleSUSY model file models/<model>/FlexibleSUSY.m. For more details see the documentation of the FlexibleSUSY model file and FlexibleEFTHiggs.

  3. Create the Makefile and register your model(s):

    ./configure --with-models=<model>

    Multiple models can be specified, separated by a comma. See ./configure --help for more options.

  4. Compile FlexibleSUSY with your model:


    Use make -j<N> to use <N> CPU cores. When make is executed, Mathematica is called, which generates the C++ code for the specified models. All C++ source files are written to the directory models/<model>/. When make has finished, the following spectrum generator(s) are available for each specified model:

    • models/<model>/run_<model>.x: command line spectrum generator
    • models/<model>/run_<model>.m: Mathematica interface


./createmodel --name=HSSUSY
./configure --with-models=HSSUSY
make -j4

./models/HSSUSY/run_HSSUSY.x --slha-input-file=model_files/HSSUSY/LesHouches.in.HSSUSY

FlexibleSUSY ships with many pre-generated models. The following table includes an (incomplete) list of models with a detailed documentation.

Model Description
HSSUSY high-scale MSSM (pure EFT)
MSSMEFTHiggs high-scale MSSM (FlexibleEFTHiggs)
NUHMSSMNoFVHimalaya fixed-order MSSM

For each model FlexibleSUSY creates an executable models/<model>/run_<model>.x that can be run from the command line. The executable accepts the input in the SLHA format, for example in form of a file:

./models/MSSM/run_MSSM.x \
   --slha-input-file=models/MSSM/LesHouches.in.MSSM \

or as a stream:

cat models/MSSM/LesHouches.in.MSSM \
   | ./models/MSSM/run_MSSM.x --slha-input-file=- --slha-output-file=LesHouches.out.MSSM

For a documentation of FlexibleSUSY-specific switches in the SLHA input see the section on SLHA input parameters.

By default the executable writes the output in SLHA format to stdout. The output can also be appended to an SQLite database:

./models/MSSM/run_MSSM.x \
   --slha-input-file=models/MSSM/LesHouches.in.MSSM \
   --slha-output-file=LesHouches.out.MSSM \

See models/<model>/run_<model>.x --help for further options.

3.2.1   Mass spectrum and renormalization group running

The pole mass spectrum and the RG flow can be written to text files for easy plotting. In the MSSM for example these text files can be generated via:

./models/MSSM/run_MSSM.x \
   --slha-input-file=model_files/MSSM/LesHouches.in.MSSM \
   --rgflow-output-file=MSSM_rgflow.dat \

The generated files MSSM_rgflow.dat and MSSM_spectrum.dat can be plotted for example with the gnuplot scripts in the model directory:

gnuplot -persist -e "filename='MSSM_spectrum.dat'" \

gnuplot -persist -e "filename='MSSM_rgflow.dat'" \

The gnuplot scripts are just for illustration and currently plot all running parameters, regardless of their mass dimension, so the resulting plot is not particularly informative. However, one may easily adapt the scripts to plot any chosen subset of the parameters.

FlexibleSUSY can be called from within Mathematica using Wolfram's LibraryLink. By default, FlexibleSUSY creates a LibraryLink library for each spectrum generator. The generated library can be found in models/<model>/<model>_librarylink.so, where <model> is the model name.



(* Create a handle to a model given the input parameters.
   See Options[FSCMSSMOpenHandle] for all default options. *)
handle = FSCMSSMOpenHandle[
  fsSettings -> { precisionGoal -> 1.*^-4 },
  fsSMParameters -> { Mt -> 173.3 },
  fsModelParameters -> {
      m0 -> 125, m12 -> 500, TanBeta -> 10, SignMu -> 1, Azero -> 0 }

(* calculate pole mass spectrum *)

(* calculate observables *)

(* close the model handle *)

For each model, FlexibleSUSY creates an example Mathematica script which illustrates the use of the Mathematica interface. The generated example can be found in models/<model>/run_<model>.m which can be run for example as:

math -run "<< \"models/<model>/run_<model>.m\""

Before running it, the model parameters in the script should be set to reasonable values. More advanced examples can be found in the FlexibleSUSY documentation.

Note: In order to compile the library, Mathematica must be installed. To disable the LibraryLink interface, configure with --disable-librarylink.

Further details and examples can be found in the LibraryLink documentation.

FlexibleSUSY contains two shell scripts aiming to help the user performing parameter scans based on SLHA files.

3.4.1   Tabular output

The script utils/scan-slha.sh performs a scan over an input parameter.


To perform a scan over \tan\beta(M_Z) in the CMSSM (given in the SLHA input file in the MINPAR[3] field) and print out the the values of \tan\beta(M_Z), M_h (MASS[25]) and y_t(M_{\text{SUSY}}) (YU[2,2]) run:

utils/scan-slha.sh \
   --spectrum-generator=models/CMSSM/run_CMSSM.x \
   --slha-input-file=model_files/CMSSM/LesHouches.in.CMSSM \
   --scan-range=MINPAR[3]=1~30:10 \

Alternatively, the SLHA input can be piped into the script as

cat model_files/CMSSM/LesHouches.in.CMSSM \
   | utils/scan-slha.sh \
     --spectrum-generator=models/CMSSM/run_CMSSM.x \
     --scan-range=MINPAR[3]=1~30:10 \

The spectrum generator executable is specified using the --spectrum-generator= option. The parameter to be scanned over as well as the scan range and the number of steps must be specified using the --scan-range= option. The syntax is:


Here <block> is the SLHA block in which the input parameter is to be found and <field> is the block entry corresponding to the parameter. <start> and <stop> define the scan range and <number_of_steps> define the number of steps. By default the step size is linear. Alternatively, a logarithmic step size can be chosen by passing --step-size=log to the script. See also utils/scan-slha.sh --help. The parameters to print to the output stream must be defined using the --output= option. The syntax is:


where <block> is the SLHA block in which the output parameter is to be read from and <field> is the block entry corresponding to the parameter. To read a matrix element from a block, use a colon : to specify the matrix element indices. Multiple output parameters can be specified by a comma.

3.4.2   Database output

As an alternative, all parameters calculated during a scan can be written to a SQLite database using the scan-database.sh script.


utils/scan-database.sh \
   --spectrum-generator=models/CMSSM/run_CMSSM.x \
   --slha-input-file=model_files/CMSSM/LesHouches.in.CMSSM \
   --scan-range=MINPAR[3]=1~30:10 \


cat model_files/CMSSM/LesHouches.in.CMSSM \
   | ./utils/scan-database.sh \
     --spectrum-generator=models/CMSSM/run_CMSSM.x \
     --scan-range=MINPAR[3]=1~30:10 \

The name of the database file must be set using the --database-output-file= option.

The script utils/convert_SPheno_to_FlexibleSUSY.m can help to convert a SPheno model file (SPheno.m) to a FlexibleSUSY model file (FlexibleSUSY.m.in). The conversion is not perfect, because it is usually not unique. Therefore one should check the generated FlexibleSUSY.m.in file.


cat << EOF | math -noprompt > FlexibleSUSY.m.in
sphenoFile = "~/.Mathematica/Applications/SARAH/Models/MSSM/SPheno.m";

If you want to only create the C++ source files for your model, but do not want to compile the code, you can use the --disable-compile configure option:

./configure --with-models=MSSM --disable-compile

Here, configure will not check for installed compilers or libraries. It will only search for Mathematica and SARAH. The execution of make will stop as soon as all C++ source code files are generated. See below for how to export the generated source code.

If you want to only compile already created the C++ source files for your model, you can use the --disable-meta configure option:

./configure --with-models=MSSM --disable-meta

Here, configure will only check for installed compilers or libraries. It will not check for Mathematica and SARAH.

This option is useful if you want to generate the source code on one computer and then transfer the generated code to another computer to compile it. This option can also be used with the pre-generated FlexibleSUSY models, which are provided at the FlexibleSUSY home page.

Warning: Please make sure all C++ source files of your model are available in the model directory models/<model>/. Otherwise the compilation will fail.

The complete FlexibleSUSY source code, including the generated C++ code for the specified model(s) (but without the Mathematica meta code), can be exported to a new directory. The exported source code is a complete standalone package, with it's own build system. To export the code, one has to set the target directory during configuration via the --with-install-dir= option. For example:

./configure --with-models=<models> --with-install-dir=/path/to/export/directory


make install-src

must be executed, which will copy the generated C++ source code for all <models> to /path/to/export/directory, together with the non-model specific source code from config/, doc/, slhaea/ and src/. Afterwards, the standalone package can be build like this:

cd /path/to/export/directory

It is also possible to create a "model package", which includes only the generated source code for a given model, but does not contain the whole FlexibleSUSY build system. This is useful when the source code for a model should be generated on one computer and later transferred to another one to be compiled. To create such a "model package" run

make pack-<model>-src

where <model> is the name of the model whose generated source code shall be packed. After make has finished, the package file <model>.tar.gz can be found in the working directory.

If you want to create dynamic model libraries (instead of static libraries, which is the default) you need to pass the --enable-shared-libs option to the configure script. The file name extension for the shared libraries as well as the command to build them can be overwritten using the --with-shared-lib-ext= --with-shared-lib-cmd=. parameters. For example, when Intel compilers should be used, replace gcc by icc or icpc:

./configure --with-models=CMSSM,NMSSM \
   --enable-shared-libs \
   --with-shared-lib-ext=".so" \
   --with-shared-lib-cmd="gcc -shared -o"

Important remark:

The libraries are linked to the executables with absolute paths. This means that, if you for example move the FlexibleSUSY directory to another location, the executables will no longer find the libraries. To make the executables find the libraries again, you have to relink them via

make clean-executables
make allexec

External libraries can be linked statically to the spectrum generator executables by passing --enable-static to configure. This is useful when the executable should be transferred to another computer, where some libraries are not available.


./configure --with-models=CMSSM --enable-static

If --enable-static is used, the following linker flags and additional libraries will be used:

LDFLAGS = -static
LDLIBS  = -ldl

These linker-specific flags and additional libraries can be overwritten using --with-static-ldflags= and --with-static-ldlibs=


./configure --with-models=CMSSM \
   --enable-static \
   --with-static-ldflags="-static" \
   --with-static-ldlibs="-lquadmath -ldl"

In case of dynamic linking (--disable-static, which is the default), the options --with-shared-ldflags= and --with-shared-ldlibs= must be used to set LDFLAGS and LDLIBS.

FlexibleSUSY ships with its own implementation of the Passarino-Veltman 1-loop functions, which have been translated from SOFTSUSY. However, alternative implementations of the 1-loop functions can be used:

The loop function libraries can be enabled by passing --with-loop-libraries= to the configure script:

./configure --with-loop-libraries=<libraries>

where <libraries> can be any (or a combination) of collier, looptools or fflite.


./configure --with-loop-libraries=collier,looptools

When the SLHA input is used, the loop library to use can be selected by setting the entry of FlexibleSUSY[31] to 0 (= SOFTSUSY), 1 ( = COLLIER), 2 (= LoopTools) or 3 (= FFlite). See SLHA input parameters for details.


Block FlexibleSUSY
   31   0    # loop library (0 = SOFTSUSY, 1 = COLLIER, 2 = LoopTools, 3 = FFlite)

When the Mathematica interface is used, the loop library to use can be selected by setting the value of loopLibrary appropriately

    fsSettings -> {
        loopLibrary -> 0   (* 0 = SOFTSUSY, 1 = COLLIER, 2 = LoopTools, 3 = FFlite *)

In the following it is described in more detail how to enable these alternative loop function libraries in FlexibleSUSY.

4.6.1   LoopTools support

It is possible to use LoopTools for calculating the loop functions, instead of using SOFTSUSY's loop functions. To enable LoopTools, configure FlexibleSUSY via

./configure --enable-looptools


./configure --with-loop-libraries=looptools

If LoopTools has been installed via Conan, the configure will automatically find the paths to the LoopTools library.

To use the LoopTools library and header files from a specific directory, run configure via


./configure --enable-looptools \
   --with-looptools-incdir=$LOOPTOOLS_DIR \

Note: LoopTools 2.8 or higher is required. Also, if FlexibleSUSY is compiled with LibraryLink (default) then LoopTools has to be compiled with -fPIC option. This is achieved by setting the FFLAGS variable during LoopTools configuration as

FFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure

4.6.2   COLLIER support

It is possible to use COLLIER for calculating the loop functions, instead of using SOFTSUSY's loop functions. To enable COLLIER configure FlexibleSUSY via

./configure --with-loop-libraries=collier

To use the COLLIER library and header files from a specific directory configure via


./configure --with-loop-libraries=collier \
   --with-collier-incdir=$COLLIER_DIR/modules \

Note: versions since COLLIER-1.2.3 were tested so far. Also, COLLIER static library should be configured with -Dstatic=ON -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON flags.

4.6.3   TSIL support

Some models of FlexibleSUSY require TSIL, for example HSSUSY. When such models are activated (via ./configure --with-models=<model>), FlexibleSUSY requires TSIL to be available. If TSIL is installed in a system directory or installed via Conan, FlexibleSUSY will find the TSIL automatically. To use TSIL from a a non-standard directory, configure FlexibleSUSY like this:


./configure --enable-tsil \
   --with-tsil-incdir=$TSIL_DIR \

Note also that TSIL must be compiled with -fPIC, which can be achieved by setting in the TSIL Makefile:

TSIL_OPT = -O3 -funroll-loops -fPIC

A FlexibleSUSY addon is a program or library, which uses parts of the FlexibleSUSY libraries or the generated models or is integrated into FlexibleSUSY. An addon can be created via

./createaddon --name=<addon>

where <addon> is the name of the addon. The createaddon script creates the directory addons/<addon>/ and the corresponding makefile module addons/<addon>/module.mk. If an addon has been created with the above script, the user may edit the makefile module (addons/<addon>/module.mk) to add source files in to the three variables

LIB@ADDON@_SRC  # list of source files to be included in library
EXE@ADDON@_SRC  # list of source files with a main()
LIB@ADDON@_HDR  # list of header files


LIB@ADDON@_SRC := $(DIR)/file1.cpp
EXE@ADDON@_SRC := $(DIR)/run.cpp
LIB@ADDON@_HDR := $(DIR)/file1.hpp

To configure and compile the addon run

./configure --with-addons=<addon>

make compiles all source files and creates the addon library addons/<addon>/lib<addon>.a (including the object file file1.o in the above example) and an executable (addons/<addon>/run.x in the above example).

FlexibleSUSY's source code documentation (including the generated source code files) can be generated with Doxygen in HTML or man format. To generate the HTML documentation please run:

make doc-html

The generated HTML index file can then be found in doc/html/index.html and can be viewed with any HTML browser, e.g.

firefox doc/html/index.html

To generate the man documentation please run:

make doc-man

The generated man pages can then be found in doc/man/man3/ and can be viewed as

man doc/man/man3/model_file_options.3

There are several make targets to remove generated files, compiled object files, libraries or executables:

make clean      # deletes all .d .o .a .x files

make distclean  # does `clean` and `clean-generated`
                # and deletes in addition:
                # Makefile flexiblesusy-config config.*
                # config/list_sarah_model_files.sh

make clean-dep  # deletes all .d files

make clean-executables # deletes all .x files

make clean-generated   # deletes generated files

make clean-lib  # deletes all libraries

make clean-obj  # deletes all .o files

For each model <model> or addon there are specific clean targets to remove model-specific files:

make clean-<model>     # deletes .d .o .a .x files

make distclean-<model> # same as `make clean-<model> clean-<model>-src`

make clean-<model>-dep # deletes .d files

make clean-<model>-lib # deletes model library

make clean-<model>-obj # deletes .o files

make clean-<model>-src # deletes generated files

In the following all sub-directories within the FlexibleSUSY package are listed:

  • addons/ contains addons for FlexibleSUSY
  • config/ contains helper scripts and makefile modules for the build system
  • doc/ contains the FlexibleSUSY documentation
  • examples/ contains examples how to build you own spectrum generator based on FlexibleSUSY
  • fflite/ contains an alternative implementation of the Passarino-Veltman loop functions, based on FF
  • meta/ contains the Mathematica meta code which generates the spectrum generators. See the meta code documentation for more details.
  • model_files/ contains default model files for some frequently used models (SM, SplitMSSM, MSSM, NMSSM, SMSSM, UMSSM, etc.)
  • model_specific/ contains model-specific higher order corrections for the MSSM, NMSSM, SM and SplitMSSM from the literature
  • models/ This is the output directory where the generated C++ code for the spectrum generators will be stored.
  • Output/ contains SARAHs model-specific output files
  • sarah/ contains SARAH model files shipped with FlexibleSUSY
  • slhaea/ contains the slhaea SLHA reader library
  • src/ contains model-independent FlexibleSUSY C++ source code
  • templates/ contains C++ template files for the spectrum generators
  • test/ contains the FlexibleSUSY test suite
  • utils/ contains some utility scripts to perform scans or extract data from SLHA files
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