Kotlin workshop

This project containes exercises and examples for Kt. Academy Kotlin workshop.

Workshop coveres:

  • Basic Kotlin structures
  • Functions on different levels and functional style
  • Kotlin OO programming
  • Data classes
  • Sealed classes
  • Object expression, object declaration and companion object
  • Kotlin type system
  • Extension functions
  • Functional programming in Kotlin
  • Collections and string processing
  • Scope functions (let, apply, run, also, with, takeIf, takeUnless)
  • Generic classes and functions, making own collection processing function
  • Kotlin generic type parameter declarations and modifiers
  • Kotlin property and interface delegates
  • Reflection in Kotlin, and how to use Java reflection in Kotlin
  • DSL usage and creation
  • Interoperability between Kotlin and Java
  • Basics of Kotlin coroutines
  • Rules of idiomatic Kotlin
  • Kotlin style guides

If you are interested in having this workshop in your company, you can find details here or just fill the form.