21 Days of Gratitude

21 Days of Gratitude Actions for the Google Assistant is a Voice Experiment that lets you log and share things you’re grateful for, which can help you unlock a more thankful, happier you!

21 Days of Gratitude

Try it on a Google Assistant or Google Home by saying “Hey Google, talk to 21 Days of Gratitude”.

This is an experiment, not an official Google product. We will do our best to support and maintain this experiment but your mileage may vary.


21 Days of Gratitude is built on Actions on Google, the platform that allows you to make things for the Google Assistant and the Google Home. It uses Dialogflow to handle understanding what the user says, Firebase Cloud Functions for backend code, Firebase Cloud Firestore to save data and Firebase Hosting to host assets. The project is written in JavaScript, using Actions on Google’s Node.js client library.

This repo contains a pre-built Dialogflow Agent you can import into your own project. It contains all the Intents and Entities for 21 Days of Gratitude. This is all in the dialogflow_agent folder.

Everything in the functions folder is used in Firebase Cloud Functions, which hosts the webhook code for Dialogflow as well as the share page entrypoint. The webhook handles all the response logic for 21 Days of Gratitude.

The public folder contains all the assets that will be hosted by Firebase Hosting once the project is deployed.

Importing the Dialogflow Agent

Go to the Actions on Google developer console, and create a new project.

Click “BUILD” on the Dialogflow card, and follow the flow to create a new Dialogflow agent.

When your agent is created, click on the gear icon to get to the “Export and Import” tab. You can then compress the dialogflow_agent folder from this repo into a zip file, and then import it. You should then see all of 21 Days of Gratitude’s Intents and Entities in your project.

Here’s some more info about how Dialogflow works in general.

Setting up

Install the Firebase CLI

npm i -g firebase-tools

On the root project folder, install dependencies

npm i

Login to Firebase

firebase login

Check list of Firebase projects

firebase list

Set Firebase project as default

firebase use [FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID]

Customize the "variables" from the npm script deploy inside root package.json

  • [SECURITY_HEADER] with any string you wish to secure your webhook connection.

Deploy to Firebase

npm run deploy

Get your webhook URL and put it in Dialogflow

Once you’ve successfully deployed the project to Firebase, your terminal should give you a url called Function URL (fulfillmentEntryPoint):. In Dialogflow, click the “Fulfillment” tab and toggle the “Enable” switch for the webhook. Paste that url into the text field, and add to headers the key x-security-content and the value you used to replace [SECURITY_HEADER].

You can read more documentation about using Firebase Cloud Functions for Dialogflow fulfillment here.


Santiago D'Antuoni, Guillermo Figueroa and Craig Hill.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.