
new Box3().setFromObject() returns NaN

enheit opened this issue · 2 comments

When I try to calcualte the boundingBox for the TextGeometry using .setFromObject method it returns an object with NaN valueses.

   const geometry = createGeometry({
     text: 'Lorem ipsum',
     align: 'left',
     width: 2000,
     font: font,

   const material = new RawShaderMaterial(SDFShader({
     map: texture,
     transparent: true,
     color: 0xfffffff,

   const mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material);

   const box = new Box3();

   console.log(box); // { min: { x: NaN, y: NaN, z: NaN }, max: { x: NaN, y: NaN, z: NaN } }

I found that three-bmfont-text attribute uses itemSize = 2. But Box3 expects Vector3 as well as itemSize = 3.

I found that on the last iteration on this line z coordinate is undefined.

I think this PR solves this issue #5

You can give it a try with yarn add github:kig/three-bmfont-text#vec4-positions