
Integrate Edmodo connection into Symfony 2 app.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Edmodo Bundle

Edmodo Bundle provides a basic gestion of Edmodo connection for a Symfony app.
It provides :

  • GET API call management to the Edmodo API (POST API call not supported yet)
  • authenticate the user from the Edmodo Store
  • Use you application with multiple API key (e.g with a paying app and a free app)
  • Create a User in database
  • Create an entry for Edmodo groups


  • Symfony 2.2 at least
  • FosUserBundle
  • MySQL doctrine (propel and MongoDB not supported yet)


Step 1 : Composer

Add to your composer.json :

     "require": {
          "explee/edmodobundle": "1.*@dev",
    "repositories" : [{
        "type" : "vcs",
        "url" : "https://github.com/Explee/EdmodoBundle.git"

!!! this bundle has a depedency on FOSUserBundle 2.0@dev, check your minimum-stability configuration but until a stable 2.0 is released, you probably need to add it to your composer.json too.

Then update your vendors.

Optional step

Configure the FOSUserBundle: -> https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle

Step 2 : Configure the Bundle

Enable the Bundle

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Explee\EdmodoBundle\EdmodoBundle(),

Declare parameters

Declare your configuration giving your API key, and the namespace of your User class.

// app/config/parameters.yml
        key1: <YOUR_API_KEY_1>
        key2: <YOUR_API_KEY_2>
        keyN: <YOUR_API_KEY_N>
    edmodo.version:         v1.1                                            #the version of the API
    edmodo.url:             https://appsapi.edmodobox.com/%edmodo.version%  #the url of the edmodo API
    edmodo.user_target :    path\to\your\UserClass
    edmodo.login_check: /ed/login_check

You can use as many keys as you want. They will be useful for the Edmodo configuration.

Configure the Bundle

This lines link your custom User class to the EdGroup class of the bundle, which manages the Edmodo Groups, its owners and its students.

// app/config/config.yml
            Explee\EdmodoBundle\Model\EdmodoUserInterface: %edmodo.user_target%


Now, you need to declare the 2 routes used by the EdmodoBundle. The first declares the generic routing for all the EdmodoBundle. The second one configure the login_check url.

// routing.yml
    resource: "@EdmodoBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /ed

    pattern: %edmodo.login_check%

Configure the Provider

// app/config/security.yml
            id: edmodo.user.provider

        public :
                provider:                       my_edmodo_provider
                login_path:                     %edmodo.login_check%
                check_path:                     security_check_edmodo
                default_target_path:            /


_KEYN are your api key declared in parameters.yml. For example, you named your API key "myApyKey", so you need to write "ROLE_EDMODO_MYAPIKEY". Declare as role_edmodo as you have api keys. By this way, you can use the firewall for each Edmodo API.

Create relation between User and EdGroup

Open your custom User class. You need to implement the EdmodoUserInterface and add 2 variables :

// Acme/Bundle/Entity/User.php

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Explee\EdmodoBundle\Model\EdmodoUserInterface;

class User implements EdmodoUserInterface
     * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=60, nullable=true)
    protected $edId;

     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Explee\EdmodoBundle\Entity\EdGroup", mappedBy="users")
    private $edGroups;

     * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Explee\EdmodoBundle\Entity\EdGroup", mappedBy="owner")
    private $ownEdGroups;

    public function __construct()
        $this->edGroups = new ArrayCollection();
        $this->ownEdGroups = new ArrayCollection();

Update your database

$ php app/console doctrine:generate:entities AcmeBundle
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Configure Edmodo

Go on your Edmodo dashboard (https://XXXX.edmodobox.com). Edit you app and fill in fields with this informations :

Change "/ed" for your custom prefixe.

The keyN is the key name associated to your API key. Checkout the part "Declare parameters". This GET parameter gives to the app the API key to use for api call.

The Cookie setting URL is required for Safari.

How to use API call with EdmodoApiService ?

The EdmodoBundle provides a service managing all your GET API calls in an easy way :


// get the service
$myService = $this->container->get("edmodo.api");

 * generic get call
 * @var $type       String : the name of the API route (e.g "assignmentStatus", "users")
 * @var $parameters Array  : array of parameters
 * @return array
$myResponse = $myService->get($type, $parameters);

// some shortcut are provided

//get one user with his user_token
$myService->getUser(string $user_token)

//get multiple users with their user_token
$myService->getUsers(array $user_token_array)

//create an Edmodo User with data array of the user


You can override the Edmodo user creation to custom his email pattern, his role or add more values. Override Explee\EdmodoBundle\Security\Provider\EdmodoUserProvider::constructUser


The EdmodoBundle logs each Install action and Hook Action in this way :
Edmodo {install/hook} : {if hook : action} {object}