
Topology configuration in the paper "Dataplane Based Fast Failover in SDN-Enabled Wide Area Measurement System of Smart Grid"

Primary LanguageMATLAB

According to the topology configuration part in Section IV of the paper "Dataplane Based Fast Failover in SDN-Enabled Wide Area Measurement System of Smart Grid", a commonly used simplification to study the communication network feature is to regard the communication network topology and power grid topology as the same, which is the base principle to generate the communication network topology for test.

If two buses are connected with a transformer but not a transmission link, in this work, we assume that the two buses are very "close" to each other, and the distance is set as 0.5km.

1. The .jpg files show the computed Shortest Path Trees (SPT) for each IEEE test power system topology;

2. The .xlsx files are the source data of each IEEE test power system;

3. The TopologyGeneration.m file is a MATLAB script to read the .xlsx files and generate the corresponding communication network topologies for each IEEE test power system; the TopologyGeneration_1180.m file is used to combine ten (the number could be customized manually) IEEE 118-bus topologies together to generate a large system for comparison;

4. The .mat files are the communication network topology matrix generated by the .m MATLAB script file;

5. The LFA_rLFA.m is used to compute the number of faul links for which the corresponding LFA/rLFA could not be found, as shown in TABLE III of the paper. The floydSPR.m script computes the shortest paths between each pair of node, which is called by LFA_rLFA.m.

T. Duan and V. Dinavahi, "Dataplane based fast failover in SDN-enabled wide area measurement system of smart grid," IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., early-access, Nov. 2022.