
Telegram messenger posts parser

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram Channels Parser

Developer Cats

Creepy Cat

➕ See also

⭐️ Features

  • Universal parsing: all types of posts, with captions, including albums
  • Hidden reposting: removes «Forwarded from» label
  • Ads detection: does not repost forwards and posts with URLs
  • Simple running: 100% configuration placed in one config

⚙️ Stack

  • Language: Python 3.10
  • Telegram Client API library: Telethon 1.24


  1. Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/ExposedCat/tg-channels-parser.git
  1. Go to project root:
cd tg-channels-parser
  1. Rename example.env to .env and replace example data with with yours. API credentials should be registered here: Telegram Apps Management
  2. Run app:
python3 src/main.py

Or you can use PM2 to run in background:

pm2 start src/main.py --interpreter=python3 --name=tgparser

You can stop PM2 process via

pm2 stop tgparser