installing and building fastq-join on a linux server.
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I am new to the command line and would appreciate help getting started with fastq-join. Can anyone give direction for how to install and build ea-utils on a linux server once the files have been downloaded and unzipped?
Thank you!
You should be able to just type make at the command line and the executables will be built for you,
Thank you for the quick response. I am in the ExpressionAnalysis-ea-utils-bd148d4 directory and typed in make but am given this error:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
cd into the clipper directory and you should see the Makefile there. Try the make command in that directory
Yeah, that seems like a configuration problem. Sorry, seems like you can't avoid IT
I was worried about that - thanks for your help!
how did you resolve it