
Backend for Small World board game, designed for writing third-party AIs and clients around it.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Python backend for Small World board game, designed for writing third-party AIs and clients around it.

It has a bundled CLI client for interactive use and easy interoperability with other programming languages.


  • High level API for performing in-game actions and getting current stats.
    • Imperatively or by setting hooks on game events.
  • Automatic maintainance of game state (manages tokens, calculates score, etc).
  • Automatic checks for violation of the rules.
    • The rule checker is exposed, so you can also "dry run" an action to check if it's valid.
  • Support for custom maps, races and other assets.
  • Support for custom rules (see docs/rules.md).
  • Deterministic or randomized outcomes.
  • Machine-readable output for interoperability with other programming languages (see docs/style.md).

Missing features

  • Unique effects for each Race and Special Power.

Future plans

  • In-house AI and GUI examples.
  • Better support for expansions.



See CHANGELOG.md for the list of releases. To get the latest stable release, clone from the master branch.


git clone -b master https://github.com/Expurple/smawg.git
cd smawg/

# User wide install if your OS allows it:
python3 -m ensurepip
pip install --user .

# Or install into `venv`:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install .


As a CLI app

You can play the game at the command line, using the bundled client.

A simple set of options to get you started:

python3 -m smawg play --relative-path assets/tiny.json

It should guide you through the usage.

You can also pass --style=machine to get machine-readable output and use it from a different programming language (see docs/style.md)

See --help for more details.

As a library

import json

from smawg import Game

# If you want, you can directly construct `assets` as dict or Assets object
# instead of reading from file.
with open('some/path/to/assets.json') as assets_file:
    assets = json.load(assets_file)
assets = assets.shuffle()  # If you need to.

# Provide additional arguments or set hooks on game events, if needed.
# See `docs/hooks.md` for more info about hooks.
game = Game(assets)

# Call `game` methods to perform actions.
# Read `game` properties to monitor the game state.
# See `help(Game)` for more info.

You can also find "real world" usage examples in smawg/cli.py and smawg/tests/


smawg usually gets static assets (like a list of races) from a JSON file.

The following sets of assets are provided in smawg/assets/:

  • standard_*_players.json - the standard setups for 2, 3, 4 and 5 players respectively.
  • tiny.json - a small setup for testing.

You can create and use your own asset files. You're not required to contribute them back, but I would appreciate it.

JSON schema

For better editing experience (at least in VSCode), you can generate a JSON schema:

python3 -m smawg schema > assets_schema.json

And then reference it in your assets file:

"$schema": "some/path/to/assets_schema.json",

The nice thing about this is that you can make an edit to smawg's source code and then instantly generate a new schema that reflects your changes.


Assets don't specify a visual layout for game maps, because it doesn't matter to the backend. I imagine the map from tiny.json as I, but II and III are exactly the same from smawg's point of view:

    I                II               III
+-------+        +-------+        +---------+
| 0 | 1 |        | 1 ^ 0 |        | 4 |   3 |
|   ^   |        |  / \  |        |   ^     |
|  / \  |        |-< 2 >-|        |  / \    |
|-< 2 >-|        |  \ /  |        |-< 2 >---|
|  \ /  |        |   v   |        |  \ /    |
|   v   |        | 4 | 3 |        |   v     |
| 3 | 4 |        |   |   |        | 1 |   0 |
+-------+        +-------+        +---------+

It may be hard to imagine larger maps in your head. smawg viz utility allows to always have an accurate picture. Typical usage:

python3 -m smawg viz --view some/path/to/assets.json

As of 0.19.0, here's how smawg viz renders standard_2_players.json:

rendered map


Feel free to open a Github issue or contact me personally.

If you wish to participate in development, this should get you started:

# <Fork this repo on Github>
git clone git@github.com:YOUR-USERNAME/smawg.git
cd smawg/
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install .[dev] && pip uninstall smawg # Install only dependencies

Any contributions are welcome, but missing featues and open issues should be prioritized.

Before submitting a pull request, please test and document your changes.

Tests can be run using

  • the standard library's python3 -m unittest discover smawg/tests/
  • or any other test runner that supports unittest format.



Copyright (c) 2022 Dmitrii Aleksandrov.

Licensed under GPL v.3 or later

This copyright only applies to the code and other documents in this repository, not the concept, title or any other property of the original game.