
Example generating Javascript with Sunroof on Snap and acid-state.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

B1;2802;0cB1;2802;0c# Developer Setup Instructions

On Debian and Ubuntu systems, repository packages

  apt-get install haskell-platform cabal-install 

should do the trick.

Cabal manages haskell packages, kind of like pip for python I guess.

  # update the haskell repository cache
  cabal update
  # install hsenv, for managing haskell projects
  cabal install hsenv
  # run hsenv, which creates a .hsenv folder where the haskell
  # virtual environment is stored for this application

This installs some stuff locally (i.e. no root privileges needed) to the root of the project directory. You may use all of you cabal commands within the project directory and it will not conflict with the global package environment.

   add $(HOME)/.cabal/bin to the path and run
   #pulls in haskell dependencies
   cabal install --only-dependencies
   #compiles haskell code and starts development web server @ localhost:8000 (well actually
   #it also activates the sandboxed environment using the command `source <project-dir>/.hsenv/bin/activate

Then the script ./reload.sh will recompile the haskell code and start the development webserver on localhost:8000

The haskell source code lives in


and the client-side code (javascript) lives in:
