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Hacking With The Homies Vault Presentation

Vault Key Value Secrets Store

To get a feel for a simple Vault secrets engine let's start vault and test out the KV (V2) secrets engine.

First start vault in development mode and unsealed and with a simple root token root.

VAULT_UI=true VAULT_REDIRECT_ADDR= vault server -log-level=trace -dev -dev-root-token-id=root -dev-listen-address= -dev-transactional

Open a new terminal tab from which we will intereact with vault.

Since we've told vault to listen on port 8210, we need to let the environment that.

export VAULT_ADDR=

Now let' check to see if Vault can hear us.

vault status

If everything is ok, we can make our first key value secret!

Let's check to see if we have the kv secrtes engine enabled

vault secrets list

Vault should outpus a line similar what below, to show you that the kv secrets engin is enabled.

secret/       kv           kv_2294a647           key/value secret storage

If the kv secrets engine is not enabled (you don't see the line above), then simply enable it:

vault secrets enable kv

We can see that the secrets engine is enabled if we do the following

vault secrets list

Now lets go ahead and write a kv secret to vault

vault kv put secret/data/greeting hello=world

Since we've written a secret we should be able read it

vault kv get secret/data/greeting

The kv secrets engine (v2) can version secrets. Let try to overwrite our original secret.

vault kv put secret/data/greeting hello="world, again"

Let's read the secret again.

vault kv get secret/data/greeting

And now let's read the original version

vault kv get --version=1 secret/data/greeting

What's next? Go to the individual folders of this repository to follow the other tutorials.