Welcome to PitchBlack Recovery Project 👋
Welcome to PitchBlack Recovery Project 👋

PitchBlack Recovery Project device tree for Samsung S20 aka x1s

Kernel source

Available at https://github.com/corsicanu/android_kernel_samsung_universal9830 (thanks @corsicanu)


  • ADB Sideload
  • Fastbootd

How to build

This repository is compatible with the Android 12.1 tree of the PBRP minimal manifest

  1. Set up the build environment following instructions from here
  2. In the root folder of cloned repo you need to clone the device tree:
git clone -b android-12.1 https://github.com/ExtremeXT/pbrp_android_device_samsung_x1s.git device/samsung/x1s
  1. To build:
. build/envsetup.sh && lunch pbrp_x1s-eng && mka pbrp -j$(nproc —all)