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Testnet Support
#28 opened by Khalizo - 1
Error when deploying: "TradingBot" hit a require or revert statement somewhere in its constructor
#31 opened by githuber1001 - 3
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Trouble deploying TradingBot.sol
#21 opened by i2thesecond - 1
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"Go to Remix online IDE and paste the smart contract solidity code", what exactly should I paste and in which file among other files in remix ide
#27 opened by umeshraj1000 - 1
#14 opened by ozgurk78 - 1
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Some help plz, have 2 issues
#25 opened by licha10 - 17
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Problem in returning the loan
#15 opened by Intekai - 2
gateway error
#7 opened by cipherzzz - 2
[Solved]: Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: ""
#20 opened by Marvmaster - 7
Cannot read property of 'address' of undefined
#12 opened by Watermana - 3
Got this error when trying to run.
#9 opened by MvONEr - 0
#17 opened by bizraelii - 1
ts(1005) Error
#16 opened by bizraelii - 7
Insufficient Funds Error
#8 opened by daidokoro - 12
- 0
Cannot find module 'dotenv' when executing
#10 opened by Watermana - 6
Is the second article still coming ?
#5 opened by tudorelu - 1
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