
I'm doing this project to work with vuejs app where both front-end and back-end should be different.

Primary LanguagePython

Create a code snippet

  1. In VS Code, select the File (Windows/Linux) or Code (macOS), menu, then select Preferences > User snippets.

  2. In the list that appears, select html. (The option may appear as "html.json" in the Existing Snippets section of the list if you've created snippets previously.)

  3. After VS code opens html.json, add the code below within the existing curly braces. (The explanatory comments, not shown here, describe details such as how the $0 line indicates where VS Code places the cursor after inserting a snippet):

  4. Save the html.json file (Ctrl+S).

  5. Now, whenever you start typing the snippet's prefix, such as djbaselayout, VS Code provides the snippet as an autocomplete option, as shown in the next section. You can also use the Insert Snippet command to choose a snippet from a menu.