
Agelgil-Hotel-Client-connector-website General description of the website

The hotel client connector website is targeted to solve problem of finding the right hotel for a particular services. In this website there are two sides i.e the client side and the hotel side. The hotels have accounts in which they provide the services they give with type and price description. And on the client side the clients have accounts in which they search for hotels with particular feature they want or explore the hotels present on the site. This website connects the right hotel with the client. The website is also believed to solve the accessibility issue of the hotels by tourist clients specially those that are not familiar with the place they visit.

Feature lists

Hotels and clients have crud capabilities on their account. In this the hotels can manage the services they provide which includes creating, reading, updating and deleting as intended. Hotels also can edit their account or even delete it. Same wise the clients can manage their accounts such as editing user information, changing passwords or even deleting their accounts. On the authentication features are both the client and hotel can sigh up, login/logout. On the authorization feature is that the client, the hotels and the website admins have different access control. The hotel is limited to managing the hotel side data through the dashboard. Same wise the client is limited to managing its account. While the website admins have full control over the website indicated through the dashboard. Here the website admins can assign/revoke/manage permissions of both hotel and clients. The project uses Restful API for the backend, Mysql relational database for data storing.

Group members

Henok Mekuanint UGR/2272/12 section 1

Joshua Tesfaye UGR/0359/12 section 2

Samuel Girma UGR/6303/12 section 1