
Command line interface client and python library for Dkron.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Command line interface client and python library for Dkron.


  • Pytnon 3


To install use pip:

pip install dkron

Or clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/Eyjafjallajokull/dkron-python.git
python setup.py install

CLI Usage

Before you begin, set environment variable DKRON_HOSTS to point running dkron instance.

export DKRON_HOSTS=http://my-dkron.example.com,http://my-dkron-2.example.com:8080

Alternatively, you can instert --hosts argument to every invocation of dkron-cli.

Fetch all jobs

dkron-cli get jobs

It works well with jq, to list all job names:

dkron-cli get jobs | jq '.[].name'

Fetch specific job

dkron-cli get job [job_name]

Create or update job

dkron-cli apply job [json_file] ...

You can pass multiple files at once.

Execute job

dkron-cli run [job_name]

Delete job

dkron-cli delete job [job_name]

Export all jobs

dkron-cli export [backup_dir]

Cluster status

dkron-cli get status
dkron-cli get leader
dkron-cli get members

Library Usage

from dkron import Dkron

hosts = ['http://localhost:8080']
api = Dkron(hosts)

Running tests

make test
make coverage