
a brief UI implemented by Java Swing, which aims to do the interaction between the frontend and DB

Primary LanguageJava

Query System: data from yelp

1. Overview

This is a simple demo for demonstrating the interaction process of UI - Middleware - Database model.

To make it work, this project follows:

  1. Parse the .json file and do simple ETL work, which further populate the data to the given database (mySql)
  2. UI implementation
  3. Query construction and business logic design, how to display the result in UI correctly from the DB

2. Configuration

Environment: macOS Monterey 12.2.1 M1
mySql 8.0.27-arm64
Java8 17.0.2 2022-01-18 LTS

third-party libraries:

  • json-simple-1.1.1.jar
  • mysql-connector-java-8.0.28

3. Structure

- sql
  - createdb.sql
  - dropdb.sql
- src
  - com
    - scu
      - coen280
        - Main.java
        - Populate.java
        - hw3.form
        - hw3.java

createdb.sql - contains the sql for creating the table and index
dropdb.sql - contains the sql for dropping the table and index
Main.java - program entrance
Populate.java - read .json files and populate the data into DB
hw3.form - UI. hw3.java - business logic for interatcion between frontend and DB

4. Reminder

  • when running business query, be sure to terminate the program when you want to do a new query