~Effective-Plant-Growth-Esp8266 "24/7 Online"
~Effective-Plant-Growth-Esp8266-with-deep-sleep "Every 24 hours, it wakes up, creates a server with JSON, and then goes back to sleep."
This program sets up a web server that listens on port 80 and responds to incoming HTTP requests with a JSON object that contains the moisture level of the soil as read by the sensor.
You will need to replace your_SSID and your_PASSWORD with the credentials for your Wi-Fi network.
Once the program is uploaded to your ESP8266 and it is connected to your Wi-Fi network, you can access the moisture level data by navigating to the ESP8266's IP address in a web browser. For example, if your ESP8266 has the IP address, you would navigate to to see the moisture level in JSON format.
Other websites can use this data as an API by sending a GET request to your ESP8266's IP address and parsing the JSON response.