
Convert to SCSS a fraction of the CSS of the website that’s inside the file moustache_web.zip

  • Variables: Create exactly 2 variables
  • Nesting: You have to use nesting exactly 10 times (10 blocks of 2nd, 3rd, 4th… level
  • Use the parent selector exactly twice
  • Partials/Import: Use this feature to decompose the file in 2 files
  • Mixins: Create 2 mixins in the CSS
  • Extend: Write 2 inheritable blocks and use each one of them at least twice
  • Operators: Use operators twice

Write a comment indicating every part where you’re using Variables, Mixins, Extend and Operators, for instance:
// Mixin

How to hand over this activity

To hand over this exercise, follow these steps:

  • Create a private repo in a Github account and add the user classicoman2 as a collaborator
  • In the Classroom Assignment, hand over only the url of the repo
  • Upload the exercise in the repo as you create and modify it, using commit and push
    The repo must contain all the .scss files as well as the compiled .css files.