
Let's create amazing stuffs together

Primary LanguageCSS


Here at crea8lab we envision building side projects to help ourselves grow.

🔶 Core Language

Here you are free to use any language of your choice. All we require is that you build projects to solidify your learning.

🔅 Ideas

If you have ideas on how to enhance this project, please reach out to us here


  • HTML Landing page
  • Style using sass or pure css
  • Add interactivity

✏️ Contributions

Thank you for your interest in adding value to our project. We emplore you to proceed the standards of github community regulations.

🔌 Pull Requests

Please ensure that you update your local branch before sending a PR, as conflicting PRs will not be attended to.

Tips to stay updated

  • git remote add upstream <link/to/the/forked/repo
  • git fetch upstream gets the updated version of this repo
  • git merge upstream/master this merges the fetched version with your local master
  • git checkout <your own branch> takes you to your working branch
  • git merge master <working branch> merge the local master with the branch you are working on.

Now you are set to push

  • git push origin <working branch this will update your forked repo

At this point you can send your PR.

Thanks for contributing. You may add your name to the contributors file.