
Fullstack Register and login users using REACT, NodeJs and SQL Server(T-SQL)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sign Up & Log In app - React, NodeJS and SQL Server

I wanted to know the basic use of Authorization process for users to future projects. Also, I wanted to use MongoDB but I'd never used SQL Server with NodeJS (Only SQL Server alone) so, In this time I used a relational Database.

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SQL User Table Model

id: <String>

username: <String>

password: <String - VARCHAR(60)>

.env file variables

All String variables goes without "" or ''.


JWT_SECRET=<string > 30 chars without spaces>
JWT_EXPIRES_IN=<string> --> ex(Only one of this): 1d, 2d, 3d, ... , 90d (See jsonwebtoken documentation for more info)
JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES_IN=<number> (See express-cookies for more info)

Technologies used

  • React
  • SQL Server w/mssql package
  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • dotenv
  • bcryptjs
  • jsonwebtoken
  • nanoid(For the ID)


  • To the table where we save the users, We will need for a real application another column to know when the user changed his/her password to prevent that if a user changes his/her password, the previous token generated with the old password will not be valid anymore.

  • We can grab the "async" functions in another function to omit the "try-catch" blocks. By doing this, we can "ignore" these blocks. I didn't implement it for a simple app example.

  • A Global Error Handler wasn't implemented for the simplicity of the app but, If you do it, your code will be simpler.

  • For the ID I used an npm package(nanoid) but the server itself must provide a unique ID to be sure that a new user will not have a duplicate ID.