Some of my Frontend Projects 🚀

My profile

Responsive Web Developer


404 Not Found

My Team

Interior Consultant

Recipe Page

My Gallery

Checkout Page

My Homepage

My Portfolio

Front-end Developer


Button component

Input component


GitHub User Profile - Link
Using the github API to display the user profile and list of repositories.
Twitter Clone - Link - GitHub Repo
My clone of Twitter made with MongoDB, Express, JWT authentication.
Random Meal Generator - Link
Using the API to get and display a random meal on each click.
Library Manager - Link
With this project I learned how to implement the Object Oriented Programming paradigm. It uses local storage to save the user's own books.
2020 Mood Calendar - Link
Making a calendar with JavaScript and CSS to keep track of your mood.
Shopping Cart - Link - GitHub Repo
Shopping cart implementation with MongoDB, hapi/joi validation and bcrypt password hashing.
Todo List - Link
Users can add tasks, mark them as completed, edit and delete them. Tasks are store in local storage.
Blog - Link - GitHub repo
Blog made to learn CRUD and MongoDB.
Rock Paper Scissors Game Link
Array Methods and DOM manipulation Link

FreeCodeCamp Projects

Responsive Web Design


Tribute Page

Contact Form

Landing Page

Technical Documentation

Front End Libraries


Random Quote Machine w/React

Markdown Previewer

Drum Machine

JavaScript Calculator

Pomodoro Clock

APIs and Microservices


Timestamp Microservice

Request Header Parser

URL Shortener

Exercise Tracker

File Metadata