

This collection contains the endpoints required to power Grain-Receipt. It handles all actions from creating a collateral, viewing all collaterals, booking a loan and verifying the loan

Usage Or Flow

The postman collection has been published and can be tested at:

1.) Create a collateral : Create a collateral Id by using the Post a Collateral endpoint. An important property in the response body is the collateralId that's returned

2.) View created collateral: View the just created collateral using the Get Individual Collateral endpoint by providing the collateralId received in the Post a Collateral endpoint.

3.) Book Loan: Book a loan via the Book a Loan endpoint. The loanId and loanValue is returned

4.) Confirm Loan Booking: Confirm a loan booking through the Confirm Loan Bookin endpoint. An OTP is sent to the owner of the collateral after this

5.) Verify Loan Booking: Verify the loan booking by providing the OTP sent to the collateral owner's phone number. This is done via the Verify Loan disbursement OTP endpoint

FSI Sandbox APIs Used

  1. Africas Talking Send SMS
  2. Sterling Bank Name Enquiry
  3. Sterling Bank Interbank Transfer