
A tool/utility to convert images to videos.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tool/utility to convert images/frames to videos.


  • videoshow npm package

Tech Stack/ Required Installations

  • ffmpeg
  • Git
  • Node
  • NPM


  • Given an array of image file paths, produce a video from the frames

To Run

  • On your command line enter the command git clone https://github.com/EziamakaNV/imagetovideo.git
  • Save the images/frames that will be converted into a video in the images folder (The images must be the same dimensions else the conversion fails)
  • Open index.js in the src folder and input the paths to the images in the imagePathArray variable
  • On your command line CD (change directory) imagetovideo and enter the command npm install
  • Next, enter npm start
  • The video is stored in the videos folder


  • (The images must be the same dimensions else the conversion fails)
  • Currently the conversion configuration is set to produce a 1 sec video given 24 frames i.e a one minute video would require 1440 images/frames