:whale: Docker & docker-compose files to deploy Xen Orchestra Community Edition (ie: from sources)
Pinned issues
- 0
Weekly builds failing
#65 opened by selfsealingstembolts - 5
missing HUB and XOSTOR
#64 opened by tostr7191 - 1
mount command issue with loop devices
#63 opened by Ezka77 - 12
File based restore not working: XO_server | fuse: device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first
#57 opened by Trufax - 3
Self signed certs bug fix
#62 opened by jv545642 - 0
[Code Cleanup] Remove link_plugins.sh file
#60 opened by gb-123-git - 0
[Question] Dockerhub Image push
#59 opened by gb-123-git - 3
- 3
ARM build issue a runtime limit
#50 opened by Ezka77 - 2
Build failed with npm dependency error
#56 opened by loopway - 1
please add auth-oidc plugin
#54 opened by rave-net - 8
- 2
Cannot mount NTFS for File Recovery
#49 opened by EpicLPer - 2
All "Stats" tabs showing errors
#46 opened by JohnyR - 5
ARM Edition
#42 opened by DustyArmstrong - 2
New Backup setup failures
#45 opened by ventu - 2
- 2
How do I connect to existing redis server?
#40 opened by GiganteX - 1
[redis] Error: TCP listening socket
#38 opened by rafaelmr2 - 4
- 2
Parameter to set node memory?
#37 opened by sampleford - 2
thoughts on https?
#33 opened by marklester - 16
- 1
Missing plugins in UI
#32 opened by yassto - 4
CE Banners
#31 opened by xraver - 10
Advanced Live Telemetry
#25 opened by christianuhlmann - 2
Why use `<< *logging` instead of `: *logging`?
#29 opened by retnikt - 1
Docker HealthCheck
#22 opened by Ezka77 - 5
sdn-controller doesn't create certs
#28 opened by jmccoy555 - 2
plugin.load failed error
#27 opened by hkjang - 8
Backup-NG uses a lot of memory
#17 opened by aramirezverbio - 2
Default Credentials
#26 opened by photomatix18 - 1
Time out of sync with host
#16 opened by jmccoy555 - 3
- 1
Extra Plugins
#23 opened by tuzzmaniandevil - 1
Update to v5.51
#21 opened by tuzzmaniandevil - 1
Default login not working
#14 opened by tobiasreichel - 1
chown: /storage: Permission denied
#13 opened by jasondalycan - 5
- 7
missing plugins in tag latest
#10 opened by christianuhlmann - 6
error in redis
#9 opened by christianuhlmann - 4
update of plugins
#7 opened by christianuhlmann - 3
Build/Run with nodejs > 6 on Alpine
#3 opened by Ezka77 - 1
Update to XO 5.18 ?
#5 opened by mhoffmann75 - 3
- 2
losetup -D
#1 opened by AddoSolutions