
Sprinkle Supersonic Data models with magical Composer Module sauce

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Sprinkle Supersonic Data models with magical Composer Module sauce


# Replace this:
Car = supersonic.data.model 'car'

# With this:
magical = require 'ag-magic-model'
Car = magical 'car'

# Bam, your model is now magical!

Once sprinkled on a supersonic.data.model class, ag-magic-model adds the magical property on the class. It can be used to access features enabled when integrating with Composer.

Magical model accessors


Access the plain name of the resource this model is backed by.


Access the complete definition object from Composer used by this model.


Access the formatted label of a field.


Access route strings usable as supersonic.module navigation functionality parameters, eg. supersonic.module.modal.show.

  • Model.magical.routes.new: route for creating a new record of this type
  • Model.magical.routes.show: route for showing an existing record of this type; requires record-id



The plural title for a collection of records of this type.


The singular title for records of this type.


The formatted title for a specific record of this type.


Access the formatter function for a field. Call the function with a field value to get it back as formatted.

Formatting takes into account the field's type, and possible other configuration options defined in Composer. For instance, a field with they display type date will be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD by default, but this can be overridden by configuring the data field in Composer.


NOTE: Records and collections fetched via Model.magical.relations.join are read only. It is not appropriate to save() such records: they have gotten their fields tampered with, and the underlying resource does not know how to map the joined contents back to their normalized representations.


Get a followable of all records such that they will get the contents of enumerated fields listed joined in asynchronously. For example:

    .join('foo', 'bar')
    .onValue (record) ->
        console.log {
            foo: record.foo.title
            bar: record.bar.title

For a relation field, a field foo containing the id 123 will be replaced with:

id: 123
title: <the title for 123 rendered as a string>
record: <the Model instance for 123>

For a multirelation field foos with 123 and 456:

        id: 123
        title: <the title for 123 rendered as a string>
        record: <the Model instance for 123>
        id: 456
        title: <the title for 456 rendered as a string>
        record: <the Model instance for 456>

Because the join is done asynchronously, the contents will start as having a placeholder for the title and nothing for record.


Get a followable of one record by id such that it will get the contents of enumerated fields listed joined in asynchronously. Works as join().all(), above.


Get a followable of many records loaded by ids as a collection of related records that will get their contents asynchronously.

    .many([123, 456])
    .onValue (collection) ->
        console.log collection

The collection's signature is the same as with Model.magical.relations.join.


Get a followable of one record loaded by ids such that it will get its contents asynchronously.

The record's signature is the same as with records from Model.magical.relations.join.