
Python scripts to create a texture atlas and mapping file

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python scripts to create a texture atlas (spritesheet) and index file from a set of images. The packing algorithm itself is implemented based on the description at http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/210979/Fast-optimizing-rectangle-packing-algorithm-for-bu




Basic usage:

atlas.py IMAGE [IMAGE ...]

This takes a number of input image files and packs them into an atlas file called atlas.png and generates an index file index.json describing where in the atlas each original image can be found.

Several options exists for customizing behaviour. From atlas.py --help:

usage: atlas.py [-h] [-a ATLAS] [-i INDEX] [-it {json,css}] [-v] [-pma]
                IMAGE [IMAGE ...]

Packs several image file into a single atlas image, and provides an index file
mapping filenames to rectangles in the atlas

positional arguments:
  IMAGE                 filenames of the images to pack

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ATLAS, --atlas ATLAS
                        filename of the atlas file (without extension)
                        (default: atlas)
  -i INDEX, --index INDEX
                        filename of the index file (without extension)
                        (default: index)
  -it {json,css}, --indextype {json,css}
                        type of index file (default: json)
  -v, --verbose         display verbose progress info
  -pma, --premultiply-alpha
                        Premultiplies the alpha channel into the color
                        channels, desired for some rendering pipelines
                        (default: False)

The Future?

No specific roadmap, but some ideas which are likely to become features:

  • Support for other filetypes than PNG
  • Support for giving a max size to the atlas, splitting up into multiple atlases if impossible.
  • Support for having conform to certain standards (e.g. always be a square, dimensions must be power of 2, etc)