Dictionaries for Python Elements Isotopes Elements =================== Elements uses data from https://gist.github.com/GoodmanSciences/c2dd862cd38f21b0ad36b8f96b4bf1ee Dictionary structure elements.d ['info'] ['name'] ['source'] ['source_file'] ['symbols'] [protons or symbol] ['elements'] [protons] ['z'] ['symbol'] ['name'] ['atomic_mass'] ['neutrons'] ['protons'] ['electrons'] ['period'] ['group'] ['phase'] ['radioactive'] ['natural'] ['metal'] ['nonmetal'] ['metalloid'] ['type'] ['atomic_radius'] ['electronegativity'] ['first_ionization'] ['density'] ['melting_point'] ['boiling_point'] ['num_of_isotopes'] ['discoverer'] ['year'] ['specific_heat'] ['num_shells'] ['num_valence'] neutrons are included and have the symbol Nn Isotopes =================== Isotopes uses data from JEFF 3.3 via NEA Dictionary structure isotopes.d ['info'] ['name'] ['source'] ['source_file'] ['help'] ['isotopes'] [Z] [A] [M] ['key'] 1000000 * M + 1000 * Z + A ['element'] ['protons'] ['neutrons'] ['nucleons'] ['metastable'] ['stable'] ['natural_abundance'] ['mass_to_neutron'] ['mass_amu'] ['half_life'] ['decay_constant'] ['decay_modes'] ['symbols'] [protons or symbol] ['stable'] [Z] [A] ['unstable'] [Z] [A] ['list'] (list of all [Z,A,M]) ['list_tree'] [Z] [A] [M] ['gammas'] [Z] [A] [M] [['energy'] ['d_energy'] ['n_factor'] ['intensity_endf'] ['d_intensity_endf'] ['intensity'] ['d_intensity'] ['tot_int_conv_coeff'] ['d_tot_int_conv_coeff'] ['k_shell_int_conv_coeff'] ['d_k_shell_int_conv_coeff'] ['l_shell_int_conv_coeff'] ['d_l_shell_int_conv_coeff']] ['gammas_array'] [Z] [A] [M] (numpy array: energy (eV), intensity (per decay)) ['valid_codes'] (list of valid isotope codes according to JEFF 3.3) ['stable_codes'] (list of valid stable isotope codes according to JEFF 3.3) ['metastable_codes'] (list of valid metastable isotope codes according to JEFF 3.3) ['unstable_codes'] (list of valid unstable isotope codes according to JEFF 3.3)
Python dictionaries using JEFF 3.3 and https://gist.github.com/GoodmanSciences/c2dd862cd38f21b0ad36b8f96b4bf1ee