pluralsight-course-using-react-hooks (COURSE UPDATED AUG 12, 2020)

The master branch here is the latest updates to the Pluralsight course published by Peter Kellner in August of 2020.

Course Update Notice August 2020

Our course has had a major update. Every module has changes, some more significant then others. The last module that was on authentication has been replaced by one titled Global App State With useContext and useReducer Like Redux.

If you want to get to the source code from the original course release in May of 2019, you can find it in the branch named Course-First-Release-May-2019.

To read more about the update click here

One of the most powerful features that become available to you after learning how to use React Hooks, specifically the useContext and useReducer hooks, is that you can combine the two to make a powerful "redux-like" solution for gobally sharing data between different parts of your application hierarchy.

I've literally added 30 minutes of 100% new content to the course that covers how to do this. I'd suggest you re-watch Module 5, building custom hooks first if you've not, then module 6, Using useContext and useReducer to Make a Redux-like Global App State

Consolidating State Management With Context Consolidating State Management With Context

Course Code for Using React Hooks on Pluralsight

Before you start, you should install node on either your Windows or Mac computer (those are the two environments that are tested). Below, in "Getting Started" are the basics to get module 6 up and running as fast as possible.

A new React Course from Peter Kellner "Designing React Components"

Course Description

React versions 16.8 and higher, include React Hooks which solve several problems that went unaddressed in previous versions. React Hooks provide a direct API to React concepts you already know about. Those concepts include props, state, context, refs and lifecycle events. React Hooks are designed for use in React Functional Components where previously there was no good way to manage state or lifecycle events.

In this course, you’ll learn how to use the top seven React Hooks as well as gain the knowledge and experience necessary to build your own customized composite Hook. Along the way, you’ll pick up techniques you can use building real world web apps that include how React Hooks can help you with REST services, reducers, authentication and more.

When you are finished with this course, you’ll confidently be able to combine functional components with React Hooks to build first class React apps. Those apps can be written completely with functional components and React Hooks.

Getting Started

  1. Install Node 12.16.3 with NPM 6.14.4.
  2. Clone this repository. - git clone or download the zip
  3. **Set your default directory to which module you want (example: cd 02-Basic-React-Hooks-useState-useRef-useEffect - cd m6-add-rest-data-to-server-side-rendering
  4. Install Node Packages with Dependencies. - npm install
  5. Install this chrome extension for viewing performance data (optional).

Directory Structure Here

Each of the 5 folders here represent one module of the course. In each folder, there are subfolders that represent the completed code at the end of each clip. Where this is no clip reference, either there is no code in that clip or nothing changed from the previous clip.

Once in a clip directory, the easiest way to test the app is to first install the packages by typing at the root of that directory (in a terminal window or DOS prompt)

npm install

Then, do run the app you just need type

npm run dev

And that will launch the web server on port 3000 where you can browser to it at the url: http://localhost:3000

Starting in module 5, you'll need to launch the json-server to simulate a REST server. To do that, you enter the command at a terminal or DOS prompt:

npm run json-server


This course uses the Next.js framework as a demonstraton vehicle for React Hooks. If you want to know more about Next.js you should watch my other course on Pluralsight titled "Building Server-side Rendered React Apps for Beginners". You can find it here.

Repo or Course Issues

If you find any problems or issues, feel free to post it as an issue here at this forum and I will look into it as soon as I can. You can also contact me directly at

I hope you enjoy the course!