
Discord Bot to make users verify their Minecraft account on Hypixel

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hypixel Verification Discord Bot

Discord Bot to make users verify their Minecraft account on Hypixel

Warning: This is an old project barely ported to DiscordJS v14



  • Hypixel Guild Support
  • Gives specific role for verification (one for guild members, one for visitors)
  • Customisable messages
  • Configurable


  • /help - Help command
  • /verify - Verify his account
  • /unlink - Unlink Discord account from the registered Minecraft account
  • /changeaccount - Change verified Minecraft account
  • /checkguild - Check for any guild status modification
  • /profile <Optional: User> - Check Guild Member's profile
  • /setguildrole - Admins Only: Change role for guild members
  • /setvisitorrole - Admins Only: Change role for visitors
  • /showconfiguration - Admins only: Check server configuration


  • Fill config.json with your Discord Bot token, Discord bot application ID, Hypixel API Key, Hypixel Guild ID, Verification Channel ID and Discord Guild ID
  • Change messages if needed
  • Change settings if needed:
    • unlinkUserOnleave: does members who leaves the server will be automatically unlinked?
    • sendVerificationEmbedInDM: does new members receive a DM showing how to link their Minecraft Account
    • sendVerificationEmbedInChannel: does new members receive a mention & a new message on the verification channel showing how to link their Minecraft Account