
Disable the integrated Wallaby access point and join an existing one.

Primary LanguageShell

WLAN on Wallaby


  • Clone this repo to a USB stick
  • Insert USB stick into your Wallaby
  • Connect to your Wallby over USB
  • Open up Harrogate (
  • Open Terminal and execute
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt && /mnt/WLAN-on-Wallaby/wlan.sh

Once the Wallaby has rebooted you can add WiFi networks with wpa_cli.

> 0 # This number can be higher or lower depending on the already added networks
set_network <number-add_network-returned> ssid "insert-your-ssid-here"
> OK
set_network <number-add_network-returned> psk "insert-your-password-here"
> OK
enable_network <number-add_network-returned>
> OK
save # Try to reconnect to added networks after a reboot
> OK

If you want to assing an IP address over DHCP run dhclient -v -r wlan0.

To undo all changes run /mnt/wlan-undo.sh.


The WiFi module integrated into the Wallaby is absolutely terrible. Usage of a USB WiFi dongle is pretty much necessary.