
Common code library for Gnome Shell Extensions (meson & related build scripts)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A Gnome Shell Extension library


meson-gse contains various files needed when using meson for building Gnome Shell extensions.

This repository is supposed to be included in the meson-gse top-level directory of your extension (with git-submodule).

Gnome Shell Extensions using meson-gse


Expected layout

meson-gse expects your project to have a certain layout:

  • po/

    • Internationalization files go here.
  • schemas/

    • Any GSettings schema go here, they are expected to be of the form:

    • schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.your project name.gschema.xml [auto-included]

  • src/

    • JavaScript and CSS goes here

    • src/extension.js This file is mandatory for a Gnome-shell extension. [auto-included]

    • src/metadata.json.in Mandatory template for the metadata file, see below. [auto-included]

    • src/stylesheet.css Optional. [auto-included]

    • src/pref.js Optional. [auto-included]

Import meson-gse in your git tree

In your extension's top-level directory, run:

git submodule init
git submodule add https://github.com/F-i-f/meson-gse

Create required files

You need to create two files: meson-gse.build and src/metadata.json.in

The meson-gse.build file

# You can put a header here
# But no meson directives can be used
gse_project({extension name}, {extension uuid domain}, {extension version}, {gse assignments, meson code block})
# You can put other comments or meson directives after the gse_project statement
  • extension name will be used as the project name in the meson_project() definition and must conform to its requirements.

  • extension uuid domain will be appended to extension name when generating the extension's UUID.

  • extension_version must be a single integer as it will be used in the Gnome Shell extension's metadata.json file.

  • gse_assignments, meson code block can be any meson code, but you're expected to fill in some meson-gse variables as described below.

Available meson-gse variables
  • gse_sources

    You can add any JavaScript files to this meson variable. Note that the src/extension.js and src/prefs.js (if it exists) files are automatically included.


    gse_sources += files('src/other.js', 'src/foo.js')

    The gse_sources files are installed in the extension's root directory by the install or extension.zip ninja targets.

  • gse_libs

    This meson variable is intended for external JavaScript libraries. The difference between gse_sources and gse_libs is that the gse_sources JavaScript files will be checked for syntax when running ninja check while the gse_libs JavaScript files won't.

    The very commonly used convenience.js file is included in the meson-gse distribution and its path is available in the meson variable gse_lib_convenience.

    A very basic logging class is also provided, and its path is available in the gse_lib_logger meson variable.


    gse_libs += gse_lib_convenience
    gse_libs += files('lib/other-library.js')

    The gse_libs files are installed in the extension's root directory by the install or extension.zip ninja targets.

  • gse_data

    This meson variable can be used for other non-JavaScript data files. The src/stylesheet.css file is automatically included if it exists.


    gse_data += files('icons/blah.png', 'src/datafile.xml')

    The gse_data files are installed in the extension's root directory by the install or extension.zip ninja targets.

  • gse_schemas

    This meson variable can be used for GSettings schemas that need to be included. If your extension's schema is stored in schemas/org.gnome.shell.extensions.meson project name.gschema.xml, it will be automatically included.


    gse_schemas += files('schemas/other-schema.xml')

    The gse_schemas files are installed in the extension's schemas directory by the install or extension.zip ninja targets.

  • gse_dbus_interfaces

    If your extension requires to be shipped with some missing or private DBus interfaces, you can use this meson variable.


    gse_dbus_interfaces += files('dbus-interfaces/private.xml')

    The gse_dbus_interfaces files are installed in the extension's dbus-interfaces directory by the install or extension.zip ninja targets.

The src/metadata.json.in file

This is a template for the extension's metadata.json file. Meson will fill in some variables automatically. All variables expansions are surrounded with @ signs, like in @variable@.

Available metadata.json.in expansions
  • @uuid@ – fills in your extension's uuid.

  • @gettext_domain@ – will be replaced by your extension's gettext domain. This is typically your meson project name / extension name.

  • @version@ – your extension's version as declared in the gse_project() statement.

  • @VCS_TAG@ – will be the current git revision number.

Run the meson-gse/meson-gse tool, meson and ninja

meson setup build
ninja -C build test          # Checks syntax of JavaScript files (runs eslint)
ninja -C build prettier      # Maintenance only: run prettier on JavaScript files.
ninja -C build install       # Install to $HOME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
ninja -C build extension.zip # Builds the extension in build/extension.zip
ninja -C build clean         # Default clean target, restart build from scratch
ninja -C build cleaner       # Removes backup files, npm_modules. Does not imply 'clean'.


Simple project

I'm working on project simple, version 1 and my extension's domain is example.com. If your file layout is:

  • meson-gse.build

    meson_gse_project({simple}, {example.com}, {1})
  • src/extension.js

    import {Extension, gettext as _} from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/extensions/extension.js';
    export default class MyExtension extends Extension {
      enable() {
        log('Hello world enabled');
      disable() {
        log('Hello world disabled');
  • src/metadata.json.in

      "description": "Says: hello, world.",
      "name": "Hello, world!",
      "shell-version": [
      "gettext-domain": "@gettext_domain@",
      "settings-schema": "org.gnome.shell.extensions.hello-world",
      "url": "http://example.com/",
      "uuid": "@uuid@",
      "version": @version@,
      "vcs_revision": "@VCS_TAG@"

Create the two above files in a git repository:

mkdir hello-world
cd hello-world
git init
echo "gse_project({simple}, {example.com}, {1})" > meson-gse.build
mkdir src
cat <<-'EOD' > src/extension.js
   import {Extension, gettext as _} from 'resource:///org/gnome/shell/extensions/extension.js';

   export default class MyExtension extends Extension {
	 enable() {
	   console.log('Hello world enabled');

	 disable() {
	   console.log('Hello world disabled');
cat <<-'EOD' > src/metadata.json.in
	  "description": "Says: hello, world.",
	  "name": "Hello, world!",
	  "shell-version": [
	  "gettext-domain": "@gettext_domain@",
	  "settings-schema": "org.gnome.shell.extensions.hello-world",
	  "url": "http://example.com/",
	  "uuid": "@uuid@",
	  "version": @version@,
	  "vcs_revision": "@VCS_TAG@"
git submodule init
git submodule add https://github.com/F-i-f/meson-gse
git add meson-gse.build src
git commit -m "Initial checkin."
meson setup build
ninja -C build test install

And your extension is installed and ready to be enabled in Tweaks.

More complex examples

Refer to the projects using meson-gse.


  • Meson 1.4.0 or later.

  • GNU M4

    M4 is needed to generate meson.build from meson-gse.build.

Recent changes


  • Replace Mozilla SpiderMonkey by eslint for linting.
  • Add prettier.
  • Add cleaner ninja target (removes *~ backup and npm's node_modules).
  • Bump Meson requirement to 1.4.0 for files'full_path() method and get rid of a meson warning.


  • Use git submodule instead of subtree.
  • Updated documentation.


  • Gnome Shell 45 and later compatibility.


  • Support js102 for JavaScript validation.


  • Support js91 for JavaScript validation.
  • Support Meson 0.61 and later.
  • Fix issue in git-subtree-push.


  • Fix compatibility issue with meson 0.60.
  • Require meson 0.50.0 or later for builds.
