
Simple and lightweight library based on aiogram for creating telegram mailings

Primary LanguagePython

PyPI version Python Aiogram CI

Aiogram Broadcaster

A simple and straightforward broadcasting implementation for aiogram


$ pip install aiogram-broadcaster


Few steps before getting started...

  • First, you should obtain token for your bot from BotFather and make sure you started a conversation with the bot.
  • Obtain your user id from JSON Dump Bot in order to test out broadcaster.

Note: These and even more examples can found in examples/ directory

Base usage

from aiogram_broadcaster import TextBroadcaster

import asyncio

async def main():

    # Initialize a text broadcaster (you can directly pass a token)
    broadcaster = TextBroadcaster('USERS IDS HERE', 'hello!', bot_token='BOT TOKEN HERE')
    # Run the broadcaster and close it afterwards
        await broadcaster.run()
        await broadcaster.close_bot()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Embed a broadcaster in a message handler

from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, types

from aiogram_broadcaster import MessageBroadcaster

import asyncio

async def message_handler(msg: types.Message):
    The broadcaster will flood to a user whenever it receives a message
    users = [msg.from_user.id] * 5  # Your users list
    await MessageBroadcaster(users, msg).run()  # Run the broadcaster

async def main():

    # Initialize a bot and a dispatcher
    bot = Bot(token='BOT TOKEN HERE')
    dp = Dispatcher(bot=bot)

    # Register a message handler
    dp.register_message_handler(message_handler, content_types=types.ContentTypes.ANY)
    # Run the bot and close it afterwards
        await dp.start_polling()
        await bot.session.close()

if __name__ == '__main__':