
CAT issue

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi Andre!
I leave a message on you site but today my post disappered
Nevetheless, i have installed rpI4 image and updated to 5.07 and still have issue with CAT
GPREDICT and setting FREQA via Omnirig Client works fine, however OmniRig did`t retrieving freq from RemSDR - field FREQ in client apps always empty and in outgoing tab of VSPE i can see only IF5 or IF7 and nothing else
What is wrong ? pls help

F1ATB commented

1-2022-10-17 152206
Andre, thank you for reply, i attached a few screenshots and hope will be clear for you
every time after start OmniRig client i see the new message in outgoing tab of VSPE: IF0 IF1 etc
but no frequency are returned . BTW with RTS parameter in Omnirig, no differents finally between Low and Handshake - only visible green indicator in VSPE apps.

2022-10-17 150856
2022-10-17 150800
2022-10-17 150703
2022-10-17 150628

F1ATB commented

Andre, for the time being i trying to use Log only without SSTV or WSJT apps , i hope receiving Freq should return to Log or ?
With setting freq via field FREQA on OmniRig Client i can see (as example) FA000435600000 command in VSPE incoming messages however in outgoing no anything different in compare with my pics in the post above.

F1ATB commented

Can be a turnaround just to retrieve freq without continiously send send send?
BTW in you article -Test with “Client.exe”- visible retrived freq in the tab FREQ what i can`t get
retrieve freq