Creates an animated GIF from a YouTube URL.
You will need ffmpeg to use this package. Assuming you are using OS X, ffmpeg can be installed very easily with Brew.
brew install ffmpeg
npm install youtube-to-gif -g
This following command will create an animated GIF from a Youtube Video of Neo fighting Morpheus in the film: The Matrix.
youtube-to-gif -u https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v\=NqxSgp385N0 -b 30 -d 5
The -b flag specifies the seconds at which to begin converting the video file. The -d flag specifies the duration of clip you want to convert to an animated GIF. After typing the above command, your terminal output should look something like this:
And here is the final output:
-u, --url [type] YouTube video URL you wish to convert.
-o, --output [type] The name of the output file. [default = ./output/{video-title}.gif
-f, --fps [type] Frames per second of the output GIF. [default = 10]
-s, --size [type] Dimensions of the output GIF. [default = 320x?]
-b, --beginTime [type] The offset start of the video. [default = 3]
-d, --duration [type] Number of seconds GIF should last. [default = 10]
-t, --thumb Display thumbnail of the Youtube video in console.
-e, --openexport Opens the export when done.
-v, --verbose Displays all the information.