Discrete Logic Project Rule Set

1. Project Topic Selection:

  • Students must select a topic related to an area in discrete logic.
  • Topic selection should be finalized and submitted to the designated instructor for approval by [specified date].

2. GitHub Repository Structure:

  • Each student/group will be assigned a specific repository within the class GitHub organization.
  • Repository name should follow the convention: DL_Project_[YourName].
  • Repositories should have the following structure:
    • src/: Directory for all source code.
    • docs/: Directory for documentation and project write-up.
    • presentation/: Directory for presentation materials including video.

3. File Naming Conventions:

  • Use meaningful and consistent naming conventions.
  • Include your name and a brief descriptor in the file name e.g., Smith_DL_Presentation.mp4.

4. Submission:

  • All project files must be uploaded to the GitHub repository by [submission deadline].
  • Presentation video should be uploaded in the presentation/ directory.
  • Source code, if any, should be uploaded in the src/ directory.
  • Any accompanying documentation should be uploaded in the docs/ directory.

5. Presentation:

  • Presentation video should be between [specified minutes] minutes long.
  • Video should be clear, concise, and cover the selected topic comprehensively.
  • Include a title slide with your name, topic, and date.
  • Provide references for any external materials used.

6. Code (if applicable):

  • Code should be well-commented and follow good coding practices.
  • Include a README file in the src/ directory explaining how to run your code.
  • If your project does not involve coding, this section can be omitted.

7. Documentation:

  • Include a project report in the docs/ directory outlining your findings, methodology, and any conclusions.
  • Documentation should be clear, well-formatted, and free of grammatical errors.

8. Peer Review (if applicable):

  • If peer reviews are a part of the evaluation, adhere to the provided peer review guidelines and deadlines.

9. Academic Integrity:

  • All work submitted must be your own. Properly cite any external resources used in your project.

10. Communication:

- Ensure to communicate with the instructor and/or classmates as directed for project updates and questions.