
LINE Messaging ChatBot.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


LINE Messaging Chat Bot.

Requirements & Dependencies

Libraries Needed:

  • Python 2.7.x
  • pip install line
  • pip install pafy
  • pip install goslate




  • !botreply -> Auto Reply Feature.
  • !botbioskop -> Giving you an information about now playing cinemas/films.
  • !botkatamutiara -> Giving you a beautiful words.
  • !bottranslate ( ID - EN / EN - ID) -> Translating from Indonesia to English, English to Indonesia.
  • !botmeme -> Giving you a funny meme image from 1cak site.
  • !botyoutubemp3 -> Giving you a link which has converted from Youtube's video to mp3.
  • !botyoutubedl -> Giving you a link to download *.mp4 file video with the best quality.

Command Examples

See the command_examples.txt file


  • If you need to run your bot everytime , run the bot via cronjob/crontab in your server.
  • To Maximize the bot reply response, i suggest you to use this settings in your cron.
* * * * * sleep 15; python /home/user/public_html/linebot.py --mode your_mode --target your_target --execute
* * * * * sleep 30; python /home/user/public_html/linebot.py --mode your_mode --target your_target --execute
* * * * * sleep 45; python /home/user/public_html/linebot.py --mode your_mode --target your_target --execute

FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Q: How can i get the authentication token ( authtoken ) ?
A: Just Google or check the source code of LINE's python library. Please, try to find it by yourself dude!

Q: Whoa, i got the authentication token! So, where i can put this ?
A: Check "settings.py" inside "src" directory. Put it into AUTH_TOKEN variable.

Q: I got an error , how do i fix it ?
A: If you are not familiar with Python just wait for the official update source code by the author ( budanthara's github ). If you are a core pythonic programmer, try to fix it by yourself.

Q: I tried to chat with "!botreply" mode, but i didn't get any responses.
A: The first thing you should know. The bot will replying the messages when your LINE Account already added the others contact in the same group/room.

Q: How do i can add the others contact when the members of the group have so many members ?
A: Mass add group members under development, so try to add it manually for a while. Sorry btw :p