An ubuntu server 20.04 bootable image for Raspberry Pi with Buoy configurations (Like Access Point , docker and so on).
For now:-
Access Point : BuoyAP
Password : drone@12
Web service:
Current Status:-
Access point working
Docker working
Static IP working
Web service working
Should only work on 16gb or bigger SD cards for now.
Link for the bootable img file:-
flashing with Balena Etcher works. It might get stuck at 99%.
Don't worry, just wait it will finish eventually.
If it is giving problems, extract the .gz file and flash the .img file.
Also delete the Android and LOST.DIR folder from the system-boot folder. Will fix that in the later release.
Also, if you want to ssh it, use BuoyAP access point. (Password: raspberry, username: ubuntu)
path to netplan file: /etc/netplan/10-my-config.yaml
path to dtoverlay file: /boot/firmware/usercfg.txt
dd to make img file
PiShrink to shrink images to fit SD Cards. (
Gzip for compression
Netplan with NetworkManager as the renderer (backend) (
Static IP set with following tutorial (
To run the webservice that is prebuilt in the provided image on startup of the Raspberry Pi use the systemd script provided in the systemd directory.