
My Dropbox is a cloud storage solution designed to address the need for secure, easy-to-use file storage and sharing. The challenge is to create a platform that provides a simple, yet powerful, way for users to manage their files and collaborate with others.

Primary LanguageRuby

Welcome to My Dropbox



My Dropbox is a cloud storage solution designed to address the need for secure, easy-to-use file storage and sharing. The challenge is to create a platform that provides a simple, yet powerful, way for users to manage their files SPECIFICATIONS User - authentification Upload a file Versioning DNS/Routing


My Dropbox is a web-based file storage and sharing platform that allows users to upload, organize, and share files and folders. It provides features such as user registration and authentication, folder creation, file uploads. The project is built using Ruby on Rails and leverages the power of the Active Storage gem for file management versioning, and DNS/routing for seamless user experience.


Clone the project repository from GitHub.

Install the necessary dependencies by running bundle install.

Set up the database and run migrations using rails db:migrate. Active Storage: Part of Rails for managing file uploads to cloud storage or the local file system. Start the Rails server using rails server. Access the application in a web browser using the specified domain name.


Project was done using ruby on rails My Dropbox is simple to use. Here are the basic steps to get started:

Sign up or log in to your account. Create folders to organize your files. Upload files to your folders.

The App should be run from the web via :


The Core Team

Faith Okosun