
A project management app

Primary LanguageRuby


Welcome to My Basecamp 1


This is a web application inspired by Basecamp, providing project management features. Users can register, sign in, create projects, and manage project details. The application also includes role permissions, allowing users to have different levels of access.


New User Registration: Users can create an account by providing their name and email address. User Show: Users can view their profile information. User Session Management: Sign-in: Users can log in to their accounts using their credentials. Sign-out: Users can log out of their accounts. Role Permissions: Set Admin: Admin users can grant admin permissions to other users. Remove Admin: Admin users can remove admin permissions from other users. Project Management: New Project: Users can create new projects by providing the project name and description. Show Project: Users can view project details, including the name and description. Edit Project: Users can update project details such as the name and description. Destroy Project: Users can delete projects they own.


Technologies Used Ruby on Rails: A web application framework used for developing the project. Devise: A flexible authentication solution for Rails applications. Rolify: A role management library that provides a simple way to manage roles in Ruby projects.


The Basecamp Project is a web application built using Ruby on Rails framework. It provides project management features similar to Basecamp. Here's a high-level overview of how it works:

User Registration:

Users can create an account by providing their name and email address. This is done through the "New User Registration" feature. After registration, users can view their profile information using the "User Show" feature. User Session Management:

Users can log in to their accounts using their credentials through the "Sign-in" feature. Users can log out of their accounts using the "Sign-out" feature. Role Permissions:

Admin users have the ability to grant admin permissions to other users using the "Set Admin" feature. This gives users additional privileges. Admin users can also remove admin permissions from other users using the "Remove Admin" feature. Project Management:

Users can create new projects by providing the project name and description through the "New Project" feature. Users can view project details, including the name and description, using the "Show Project" feature. Users can edit project details such as the name and description using the "Edit Project" feature. Users can delete projects they own using the "Destroy Project" feature. Also,users can be an admin or remove theirself from been one

### The Core Team
Faith Okosun
Olubunmi Ogunjemiyo

<span><i>Made at <a href='https://qwasar.io'>Qwasar SV -- Software Engineering School</a></i></span>
<span><img alt='Qwasar SV -- Software Engineering School's Logo' src='https://storage.googleapis.com/qwasar-public/qwasar-logo_50x50.png' width='20px'></span>