
Themes for use with OpenCore and OpenCanopy

Primary LanguageAppleScript


09 Dec 2021 ➤ All Theme adapted for OpenCore 0.7.0 and Higher
New Older
Themes for OpenCore 0.7.0 and Higher Older Themes for OpenCore 0.6.5 - 0.6.9

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For all requests concerning a macOS Sonoma 14 icons, please request it here ➥ macOS Sonoma 14 icons


First Use ➤ Change Resources in EFI/OC

Setup PickerVariant config.plist ☞ Setup PickerVariant

⬇︎ View full Video SetUp theme OC 0.7.0 and Higher


Modular Image Creation

Downloads ➤ Themes for OpenCore

View ➤ Icon Set

How to create are own Theme ➤ OpenCanopy-Generator

Create theme from a single Background ➤ OpenCore-Theme-Builder

Resize Background images for use with OpenCanopyGenerator ➤ Background-Resizer

Using Themes Downloader with latest Acidanthera OcBinaryData ➤ Themes Downloader

Old stuff OutDate ⬇︎

Older themes available here ➤ Older themes With Background


Details about how to use these, consult the OpenCore Content Flavours

Details about how to use these, consult the OpenCore configuration documentation PDF

You can check the OpenCore beauty treatment.

Looking for ➦ More Downloads All themes History