Mongoose Workshop - Exercise #2 - ToDo refs

Now we want to manage ToDos for users and store them in our MongoDB database.

Therefore we have to create a ToDo model. And set it into a relationship with the user.

Task: Create Data Model

  • Setup a ToDo model with the following fields

    • title (String), required
    • status (enum: "OPEN", "IN PROCESS", "DONE", "ON HOLD", "CANCELED"), default: "OPEN"
  • Define the relationship between users & todos:

    • Clarify & fill in the "?" in the following two lines to get the right relationship type:
      • 1 user - ? todos
      • 1 todo - ? users
  • Connect user schema and todo schema

    • Create a relationship either by nesting or reference
      • Consider the factors "relationship tightness", "update frequency" and growing potential"

Bonus Task - Seed user todos

  • Create a seed GET route /user/:id/todos/seed

    • Get the user ID from the url param (
    • Check if a user with that ID exists in the database
    • If so: Seed three todos here for this user
    • Return the todos to the browser
  • Testing:

    • Look into your list of users in Compass and grab a valid user ID
    • Call your seed route with that ID (replace :id in the URL with the users real ID)