Exercise Project - ToDo App Fullstack - with Sessions

Write a multi user ToDo application.

In our app multiple users should be able to maintain their todos, without seing the todos of other users.

  • Build a ToDo Express API

    • Install express, express-session & mongoose
    • Setup a connection to a database "todo_db" (locally or on Atlas)
    • Setup two models: User & ToDo
      • User Fields: Name, Email & Password
      • ToDo Fields: title, description, status
    • Create a reference between User & ToDo model
      • each todo document should have a reference to the user that owns this todo
    • Seed in some initial data to your database
      • Seed in two users into the users collection
      • Seed three todos for each user
  • Create a POST route /login

    • Receive email and password and check if a user with that email and password exists in MongoDB
    • If user was found: Generate a user session
      • You do that by storing the found user in req.session.user
    • Send as response if the login was successful in this format:
      • { success: true } for success and { success: false } for failure
  • Create a GET /todo route

    • Fetch the ID of the logged-in user from req.session.user
    • Fetch all todos for this user from MongoDB
    • Return the todos of this user to the client
  • React Frontend:

    • Setup a ToDo UI with React
      • or use one from your previous React exercises as a starting point
    • Provide a Login Form Component
      • Call your POST /login route in the API
    • If the user is not logged in: Show the login form
    • On successful login
      • Fetch todos of the user
      • Store them in state
        • You can choose your state management technique (Props, Context or Redux)
      • Display the todos to the user
    • Test the login for two different users
      • Check if for each user its specific todos are shown and not the todos of the other user
  • Bonus Task - Provide adding and deleting of todos

    • Backend: Provide routes for creating and deleting ToDos
      • Creating route: app.post("/todo", ....)
      • Deleting route: app.delete("/todo", ... )
    • Frontend:
      • Provide form for creating new todos
      • Provide icon next to each todo - on click a todo should get deleted
  • Bonus task - Admin access

    • Add an array "roles" to your user schema
    • Provide one user the role "Admin" (set it directly in Compass)
      • Like so: roles: ["Admin"]
    • Adapt GET /todo route
      • When fetching the user from the session: Check if he has the role admin
      • If user is Admin: Fetch ALL todos from all users
        • Fetch also the user details using the Mongoose populate method