Validating Database Data

Build an API to access the included pokedex dataset, and practise writing schemas with validation and subdocuments

What you will be doing

For this assignment you will have to;

  1. Upload the pokedex dataset to your MongoDB database
  2. Create a mongoose schema for the pokedex database
  3. Add validation to the schema
  4. Create an API for accessing the pokedex database

Some code has already been written for you


Before starting these tasks install the included npm packages, by running the command npm install or npm i

Task 1 - Importing the pokedex data

  1. In your MongoDB server, create a new database db-validation

  2. Inside this database, create a new collection called pokedex

  3. Upload the pokedex.json dataset into your pokedex collection

Task 2 - Setting up the .env file

  1. Using the .env.example file as a template, create a .env file

  2. Add your database connection details to your .env file, filling in the details as provided to you by MongoDB

    Hint: The key DB_NAME points to the name of the database you want to connect to. Use the name db-validation. This will ensure that Mongoose will try and use the existing sample dataset you previously set up.

    Hint: The key DB_HOST is the domain of your MongoDB connection string

Task 3 - Connecting your server to your database

Inside server.js;

  1. Using the mongoose.connect() method, use the variable dbConnectionString to connect to your database

  2. mongoose.connect() returns a promise

    • use the then() method to display a message saying the connection was successful
    • use the catch() method to display a message saying the connection failed
  3. Check that your database can connect

Task 4 - Schema and model

  1. Analyse the data in your pokedex collection

  2. Complete the schema in models/Pokedex.js

Hint: Some values maybe held inside an array, for example a string of arrays would be represented as [String]

Hint: For some data you may need to use subdocuments

Task 5 - Schema validation

For this task you will be adding validation to your schema

Add validation to your schema based on the following criteria:

  • name > english should be required
  • name > all languages should have a minimum character count of 3
  • name > all languages should have a maximum character count of 24
  • type should be required
  • base > HP can not be less than 10 and should default to 20
  • base > Attack can not be less than 1 and should default to 5
  • base > Defense can not be less than 0 and should default to 1
  • base > Speed can not be less than 20 and should default to 5

Task 6 - Schema validation with enums

For this task you will be adding enum validation to your schema

  1. For type, use an enum with the following strings;
'grass',    'poison',
'fire',     'flying',
'water',    'bug',
'normal',   'electric',
'ground',   'fairy',
'fighting', 'psychic',
'rock',     'steel',
'ice',      'ghost',
'dragon',   'dark'

Task 7 - Setting up the route

Our database may end up having more than one collection, or our business logic may become quite complex. We can imagine that if we were to fully develop our application, it could get quite big.

Let's try and keep things organised from the start.

Create a route pokedex with the path /pokedex

  1. Create the file pokedex.js in the folder routes

    • import express
    • create the router instance from express.Router()
    • export your router instance
  2. Import your route into server.js

    • Use app.use() to use the pokedex router you imported
    • Use the path /pokedex

Task 8 - Creating an endpoint - get all pokemon

We will create an endpoint to load all pokemon

  1. Create an endpoint with the path /all. This will be a GET endpoint.

  2. Use the endpoint to interact with the Pokedex model to find all the pokemons in the collection

  3. Return the results to the client

  4. Test your endpoint

Task 9 - Creating an endpoint - search for pokemon by type

We will create an endpoint to load all pokemons of a specific type

  1. Create an endpoint with the path /type. This will be a GET endpoint. The endpoint should expect a request parameter from the client, the pokemon type.

  2. Use the endpoint to interact with the Pokedex model

  3. Search for the pokemon based on the type supplied by the client

  4. Return the result to the client

Hint: Additionally, you can normalize the input (make it lowercase) so that it matches the data in the collection

Task 10 - Creating an endpoint - search for pokemon by name

For this task, you will be searching within a subdocument

We will create an endpoint to load a specific pokemon, based on the name

  1. Create an endpoint with the path /name. This will be a GET endpoint. The endpoint should expect a request parameter from the client, the pokemon name.

  2. Use the endpoint to interact with the Pokedex model to find the pokemon by name. For now, default to the english version of the name, then:

    • If found, return a status of 200 and the result
    • If not found, return a status of 404 and an appropriate message

Hint: When searching within a subdocument, you have to provide the path to the subdocument as the key. In the following example, we search for the name "Wartortle" within the model Pokedex for "english" subdocument of the "name" field;

Pokedex.find({ "name.english": "Wartortle" })

Bonus tasks

Modifying an endpoint - search for pokemon by name AND language

  1. Modify the endpoint you created in Task 9

  2. Using a query parameter, allow the user to change the language of the search

Example: If the user attaches the query ?language=japanese then search for the japanese version of the name

Hint: You can access query parameters from the request object with the query property